30 Disturbing Facts About The Human Body
Nathan Johnson
You might want to stop reading right about now. If you value your sanity, that is. Down below are 30 facts about your own body that you probably don't want to know. Proceed with caution.
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Stomach acid is very powerful, it would burn right though us if we didn’t secrete mucus every few hours. -
You develop cancerous cells every day. But your immune system deals with it. EDIT: Usually. -
A third to a half of all fertilized ovum do not result in a viable pregnancy. They are expelled as a “heavy period” instead. Most women don’t even realize that they miscarried. -
The brain will protect itself even if it means misery to you or death. Inhaling smoke in the middle of a burning house? Brain will make you stop breathing and pass out. Stuck in the middle of a cold place? You will fall asleep to conserve energy and never wake up again. Does your brain need more oxygen? You faint in the middle of a busy road. Had your leg torn off by a bear? Here's adrenaline so you can save your brain even if there's a huge risk of infection or further injury. Is your brain experiencing too much stress? It will make you drink alcohol or resort to drugs. You and your brain work together most of the time, but when push comes to shove, you are sacrificed. -
There’s enough copper in your body to make a pair of headphones. -
I noticed this after my abdominal surgery. When I turned over in bed my guts seemed to fall from one side to the other. Mentioned to my doc and she confirmed it was my bowels rearranging themselves. -
It is always making disgusting body noises. The only reason you are not aware of it is because the ambient noise kind of drowns it out because your ears focus on it. If you go to one of those super-silent rooms that absorb all sorts of sounds, it is a really weird way to reacquaint yourself with your body. -
A female is born with every egg they'll ever release from the ovaries. Therefore, a pregnant woman who is carrying a female child is also carrying the eggs of her grandchildren. -
Well, just this week there was a woman(local) in her late twenties who died of a toothache. She had posted on FB about needing a dentist over the weekend and decided to wait till Monday, Sunday morning she was gone. The infection went to her brain. -
Your butthole and your mouth originate from the same cell grouping during development, but the butthole cells form first, then the mouth cells from them. That means your mouth is from your a*s. -
If your brainstem (the part of the brain that mediates most motor control for all of the body) is damaged, you can get "locked-in" syndrome. That means you're fully conscious and aware of your surroundings but unable to move or speak. The only muscles that remain unaffected in most people are the muscles that move they eyes and the eyelids. You're essentially trapped within your own body with your only way of communication being blinking or moving your eyes It can be caused by toxins, blockage of the basilar artery which is the main artery of the brainstem, or other brainstem damage -
An estimated 60% of cancers arise from non-modifiable risk factors. In other words, they are not due to any lifestyle choices and they are not preventable. -
The head can be twisted around about three and a half times before coming off. -
Your fingers and toes have no muscles. All the muscles that control them via tendons are in your forearms/hands and lower legs/feet. Your fingers are like puppets on strings. Sweet dreams. *Fixed, yes forgot about the muscles in palms/feet. No actual muscles inside the fingers/toes themselves though. -
It’s possible to develop tumors with hair, teeth, and even eyes. They are called teratomas. -
The tiniest injury to your brain can change your entire life. Depending on the part of the brain that gets hurt, you can lose your special/general senses, control over your own body, the ability to produce and/or comprehend language, your memories, your personality, etc. Remember to wear a helmet everyone! -
Period cramps are essentially your womb suffocating itself. To get the uterine lining out of your womb during your period, your uterus has to contract. Sometimes, when the contractions are stronger, your womb squeezes its blood vessels so tight that oxygen can't reach them, which sends pain signals to your brain (ouch). But wait, there's more – this process increases your production of chemicals called prostaglandins, which encourage more contractions of the uterus. There really is no mercy. -
Scientists once took a swab of the inside of an American man’s belly button to observe the bacteria that lived there. They found bacteria previously only known to exist in Japan. The man had never traveled outside of the U.S. So you never know what other country’s bacteria you’re carrying in your belly button. -
There are a vast number of ways that your body can malfunction and kill you with little or no warning. An aneurysm can go undetected until it bursts and kills you. Getting hit in the chest just the right way can stop your heart. You can encounter an allergen that never previously provoked an immune response that freaks out your body so badly that you die. You literally just never know if your body will just....die. -
You make and swallow between 1 and 2 liters of saliva. Every. Day. -
You can die of a broken heart. you can have your heart broken and become ill to where your body goes into survival mode and can shut down major functions. -
Pregnant women if injured, the stem cells from the womb will go to damaged organs and rebuild them to protect the baby. -
Humans are deuterostomes. Meaning as embryos the first thing to develop is an opening that will eventually become the a**s. So at one point you were nothing but an a*****e -
You have a spine and support system meant for traveling on four legs. Basically, we've all got bad backs. -
Your bones are wet. -
Mites that live and feed on your face. -
There are 1000 types of parasites that can live in the human body. There are only tests for 50-60 of them. I’m sorry everyone, but they asked. -
The brain chemistry is stable enough to last thousands of years if not diseased, it's the rest of the body that kills us. -
That our own Immune system can kill us by defending itself against intruders by basically blowing themselves up. -
Your immune system doesn’t know your eyes exist, if it did it would attack them and make you go blind.
- 51 Funny Facepalms of Silly Fools
Stomach acid is very powerful, it would burn right though us if we didn’t secrete mucus every few hours.