25 Funny Posts From This Week on Twitter
- Twitter is back and it always brings the heat.
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25 Airheads Who Clearly Missed the Joke
- The only thing worse than being the butt of a joke, is...
33 'Nice Guys' Who Need to Grow Up
- What a bunch of cringe lords.
Hunter Biden's Alleged Sextape Leaked by Chinese...
- A video allegedly showing Hunter Biden smoking crack...
People Laugh at Blake Lively's Photoshopped Shoes
- Blake Lively's feet steal the show when people notice...
34 Funny Pics and Memes to Amuse and Delight
- Stuff to spend some time with.
38 Radical Randoms with a Funny Perspective
- Here's something to laugh about.
Video Game Developer Regrets Saying He Deserves...
- When you have an opinion that literally no one else...
Donald Trump's Big Empty Book of Accomplishments
- Has there ever been someone as funny as Donald Trump?
22 Mainstream Brand Video Game Collaborations That...
- Someone better have licked that Doritos XBox...
Pics of Rudy Giuliani in Borat 2 Surface
- The former mayor of New York City, makes an appearance...
47 Unexpected Times Life Decided to Suck
- Life is hard enough as it is, but it can be even worse...
AOC Playing 'Among Us' on Twitch Brings Out the Worst...
- Is the congresswoman from New York acting sus?
17 Guests Who Had Horrible Behavior
- If you do any of these things, don't come to my house.
10 Biggest Video Game Microtransaction Rip-Offs
- You're better off lighting your money on fire than...
Uptight Dad Gets Roasted by Real Marines for Telling...
- That's gotta hurt.
Fans Blow up at 'NBA 2K 21' for Putting Unskippable...
- Capitalism drives innovation for maximum profit.
America's Leading Infectious Disease Expert Goes For a...
- Only in America, do scientists need security details...
29 Everyday Items Used as Movie/TV Props
- They used just whatever they had.
21 Super Entitled People Being the Choosiest of Beggars
- These people want more and more, nothing is ever good...
10 Video Game Remasters So Bad They're Crimes
- These developers couldn't even hit Copy + Paste...
18 Liars Being Called Out Online
- Liars getting put in their place.
10 Most Important Glitches in Video Game History
- Mistakes just as amazing as the games they were in.
18 Requests Fulfilled Correctly but Annoyingly
- Maybe they're overthinking things.
16 Incompetent People Who Were Hired and Quickly Fired
- A good firing story is always worth a click.
Woman Accused of Gold Digging After Marrying...
- Oliva Stone, who went by the now deleted Twitter...
Self-Righteous Facebookers Attack Woman for Disowning...
- The case infuriated people and no one could stay...
25 Pics Filled To the Brim With Dumb
- A batch of dumb served right at ya.
25 Super Entitled People Living in Their Own Reality
- The world has no shortage of entitled people or as we...
16 Ruthless Jokes about the Dorky 'Gamer Credit Card'
- You can't even play "DOOM" on it.
35 WTF Texts From People's Exes
- The only thing worse than a bad ex is a bad ex who...
Guy Tricks Spectrum Into Coming Out and Improving His...
- When you can't get your internet provider to come out...
25 Bad Movie Reviews That Are Actually Good
- These people are just calling it like they see it, and...
Trump Accused of Signing Blank Piece of Paper in...
- The President has been accused of staging two photos...
30 Irrational Childhood Fears People Grew Out Of
- Thought some of these would be much bigger issues...
30 Trending Memes From This Week
- Time flies when your online, and it seems these days...
25 Bad Jokes People Walked Right Into
- Someone get these people a ladder because these jokes...
Boogie2988 Becomes Photoshop Meme After Pulling Gun on...
- Frank Hassle has been apparently harassing Boogie2988...
People React To the NYT Claim That Trump Only Paid...
- According to the NYT's, President Donald Trump only...
20 Adult Jokes Slipped into Children's Movies
- These jokes you might have been too young to notice.
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