Lawyers Reveal the Worst Things Clients Tried to Keep...
- Much like doctors, there's a reason you shouldn't try...
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24 Tattoos Inked With Regret
- Permanent regret.
29 Real Geniuses Showing off Their Stupidity
- People who are just that dumb.
'My Octopus Teacher' On Netflix, Is Tentacle Erotica
- The new Netflix documentary, about a man who spends...
26 People Who Clearly Missed the Joke
- Someone get these people a ladder and a step stool...
Fartlander, Ween Wedding Nuptials Can't Be Real
- Yeah so it's just a fake shopped wedding invitation,...
Twitter Gets Upset After Not Knowing the Meaning of an...
- Many people on Twitter thought the term 'upset' was...
25 People Who Got Pure Disappointment For Their...
- Talk about an unhappy birthday.
24 Pics Packed to the Brim With Dumb
- Stuff to make you facepalm.
17 Beggars Who Want Everything For Free
- Don't be these people.
25 Ridiculous Reasons People Took Offense to Something
- This is what happens when common sense ain't that...
Dude Steals $400 in Gas, Gets Caught After Trying It...
- What was he thinking?
Choosing Beggar Doesn't Understand How Deposits Work
- How do you get this far in life without realizing how...
100 Reasons to Buy the Belle Delphine Gamer Girl...
- The only computer that can keep cool as you heat up.
PC Gamers Lose It after $700 Graphics Card Resells on...
- In case you were wondering how expensive a gaming...
26 People Who Clearly Missed the Joke
- Dumb jokes may makes us laugh, but for most people out...
19 Package Delivery Fails
- I guess it's the thought that counts.
25 Funny Comebacks That Hit Their Mark
- Replies people weren't ready for.
Guy Trying to Buy Rice in Bulk Buys an Entire Truck...
- When life gives you this much rice, you know someone...
New Meme Pokes Fun a Viral Social Justice Threads
- What's going on in Minas Tirth and how can you help? A...
32 Pics and Memes Failing at Their Finest
- When things don't go your way.
29 Funny Posts From This Week on Twitter
- Dumb jokes and funny tweets are like liquid gold to us.
WTF Pics From the World Wide Web (25 Images)
- They really nailed it.
Man Unwittingly Unleashes Hundreds of Crickets Into...
- Life Pro Tip: When receiving live insect deliveries,...
20 Memes Laughing at GameStop for Closing 400 Stores...
- Someone call GameStop and see how much they'll pay for...
Bad Photoshopped Steals the Show in Bizarre Home...
- The apartment looks pretty nice, until they decided to...
27 People Who Crashed into Life Going 60 MPH
- Reality is often disappointing.
Woman Accidentally Sends Vibrator She Ordered to...
- Her sweet, innocent grandma didn't even realize what...
Mom Leaves Teen Son Alone at Home, Walks in on...
- Some things you just can't unsee.
Funny Gaming Setups to End Them All (Thirty-One Pics)
- Marvel at these masterpieces.
Twenty-Four Wives and Girlfriends Who Succeeded at...
- At least they tried.
Dumb Dad Jokes We Found Funny (31 Images)
- We love a good dad joke just as much as we love a bad...
Karen Demands Mac 'n' Cheese From Wendy's Menu Photo,...
- She came to a Wendy’s drive-through, demanded mac...
Author Shares Creepy Occult Sex Apartment He Rented on...
- When planning to take a quiet get-away to spend time...
27 Things Absolutely Nobody Wants
- Have you ever seen something and thought to yourself,...
McDonald's New "Cactus Jack" Meal Gets Meme'd
- What in the world is this?
Gender Reveal Party Sparks 8,000 Acre El Dorado Fire
- In what might be the most 2020 headline of the year...
21 Family Feud Answers So Dumb They're Genius
- Family Feud has been serving up the laughs for...
21 Dumb But Funny Movie Facts
- People point out some pretty obvious/dumb stuff in...
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