Elon Musk Genders Child Despite Grimes' Desires Not Too
- In a YouTube Q&A Grimes talked about not wanting to...
Media galleries
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27 Bold Faced Lies Told On Social Media
- If you're going to tell a lie, at least make it...
Cops and Lawyers Reveal the Dumbest Criminals They...
- A life of crime only pays if you aren't this...
Geniuses Think Joe Biden Sexually Assaulted Tara Reid...
- Tara Reade, the woman actually accusing Joe Biden of...
Couple Tries Edibles For First Time While Working From...
- This couple figured right before starting work would...
33 Times Mistakes Were Made
- When things go wrong they tend to go horribly wrong....
26 Entitled Karens Who Need to Get a Grip
- The world is full of people with delusions of grandeur...
34 Times People Took Things Way Too Literally
- Just because you did exactly what was asked of you...
53 People Having a Really Bad Day
- Moments when life decided to give these folks the...
Land O'Lakes Butter Changed Their Mascot And People...
- Us butter buyers are more than welcome to take our...
31 Terribly Awkward Professional Photos
- People paid good money for these pictures, and I'm...
Woman Goes Full Blown Karen With Crazy Demands to a...
- This overly entitled woman needs to be put in her...
47 Pics and Memes of the Random Variety
- A big batch o' pics with no relevance intended.
24 Dumb Pics Filled To The Brim With Stupidity
- A whole bunch of fails and facepalm.
25 Super Entitled People Who Need to Get a Grip
- Every now and then you come across posts on social...
Photos From 'Operation Gridlock' and Other State...
- Americans defy 'draconian' stay-at-home orders and...
37 People Life Decided to Kick When They Were Down
- Sometimes the universe decides to give you the middle...
21 Corona-Chan Comics To Make You Sick
- Corona-Chan is the anthropomorphized version of the...
Woman Gets An Emotional Tattoo To Honor Her Dead Dog...
- A terrible decision combined with a terrible tattoo...
25 Super Entitled People Who Need to Get a Grip
- These people need to be slapped back into reality.
27 Pics Filled to the Brim with Stupidity
- Stuff to make you facepalm through your head.
The Pandemic Presentation Obama's Transition Team...
- As is typical for out-going presidents, Obama's...
An XXL Serving of Corona-Virus Memes to Enjoy During...
- As the entire world is dealing with the pandemic of...
Guy Asked Grandpa For A Quarter Pounder And Gets...
- Are Grandpa jokes are the ultimate form of dad jokes?
26 Blunders on Movie and TV Posters
- Sometimes even the most skilled of designers fall...
Attention Seeking Millennial Publicly Humiliates...
- Guy gives himself a permanent reminder of his own...
Guy Gets Fed Up With Most Entitled Dude of All Time
- Low balling on video game consoles and begging for...
Super Entitled People Who Need a Reality Check (17...
- They need to be slapped back into reality.
25 Cringe Lords Who Need to Be Kicked Off the Internet
- The neckbeard is strong with these ones.
Twitter Thread "Destigmatizes" Sleeping In as Lazy...
- I don't know who needs to hear this but you're not...
Stock Photos of Women Who Don't Know How to Drink...
- These stock photos are a veritable fountain of good...
Woman Gets Okay Boomered on FB Marketplace and Calls...
- A dress sale goes wrong on Facebook Marketplace as...
21 Times Social Media Went Too Far
- You hear that ladies? If your man doesn't love you...
When Cheating On Snapchat Backfires
- We live in a dirty world.
19 Mugshots of Beautiful Babes Gone Bad
- We all want a bad girl in our lives, we just don't...
Hilarious Pics of People Trying to Sell a Mirror (20...
- Sometimes when I'm bored, I'll literally just go to...
21 Posts That Are Packed to the Brim with Stupidity
- Just a whole lotta folks who are not very bright.
Guy Gets Granny's Nudes by Accident, Roasts the S**t...
- The worst gift a grandson could receive from his...
42 Pics That Will Make You Cringe Your Pants
- Get your foreheads ready for a fresh dose of facepalm...
17 Flat Earth Proofs That Will Convert You
- Prepare to have your mind blown and reality shattered...
eBaum's Picks