New Makeup Removing App ‘MakeApp’ Causes Mass...
- Women are feeling "figuratively" punched in the face...
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26 People Who Might be Terminally Stupid
- There a lot of things you can change about yourself,...
25 Insane People Who Need to Get Off Facebook...
- From flat earthers to anti-vaxx parents these insane...
Business Card Maker Expertly Handles a D-Bag Car...
- You want 500 business cards? You'll get 500 business...
Pics Filled to the Brim With Stupidity (25 Pics)
- Stuff that will make you facepalm through your head.
Woman's Scummy "Good Friend" Disrespects Her Business...
- Her custom shoes apparently take 20+ hours to make....
Woman Quits Food Service Job After Just One Shift
- If you've ever worked in the foodservice industry then...
Entitled 'Influencer' Demands Free Work and Paid...
- He doesn't even want stuff for free... he wants to be...
People Who Tried and Failed (22 Pics)
- Well, at least they tried.
Photographer Threatens to Delete Couple's Wedding
- Reddit user /u/TinderGuy11 shared the story of a...
Delivery Driver Desperately Wants People Know That He...
- I forgot, what car does he drive again?
25 Cringe Lords Who Need to be Banned From the Internet
- They may be more fedora than man.
20 Ridiculously Entitled People Who Need a Reality...
- They need to be slapped back into reality.
Dude Regrets Firing His Babysitter Almost Immediately
- People really think things should just be handed to...
24 Proofs that People are the Worst of all Animals
- We are all just mammals, but most of us don't behave...
20 Screenshots and Memes For The Conspiracy Theorists...
- It's time to grab those tinfoil hats because we're...
Bride Wants Everyone Else to Pay for Her "Historic"...
- This lady needs a reality check.
The True Story of Reaganomics in 9 Simple Graphs
- Sure you might say it's more complicated than this,...
32 Pictures of People Who Failed at Christmas
- No matter how bad your holidays might be going, at...
35 Dystopian Memes and Pics of Late Stage Capitalism
- Depressing pics and memes summing up the current state...
22 People Who Tried and Failed
- These people had one job and they did it to the least...
Begging Sister Completely Devalues Her Table-Making...
- A finely crafted table sparks sibling entitlement.
Anti-vaxxer's Might Be The Dumbest People On Earth
- The levels of stupidity in this woman Facebook post as...
20 Facepalm Inducing Cases of Instagram vs Reality
- When their lies get exposed.
Bride of the Century Wants Photographer to Pay Her for...
- An entire family melted down after a friend ghosted a...
40 People Who Tried and Failed
- Sometime things don't always go our way and we have no...
19 Infuriating Customer Stories That'll Have You...
- We've shared stories from Andy the South Carolinian...
WTF Things Done by Florida Man and Woman
- Whenever news headlines get too dull, you can be sure...
Woman Begins A War Against Manspreading And Gets A...
- One woman's war against manspreading didn't go how she...
Begging Lady Thinks Her Haircut Should Be Cheaper
- She says she wants "just a trim" but that doesn't...
18 People Share The Funniest Lie They Ever Heard
- Kids are the most creative liars.
30 Embarrassing Parents That Are Nothing But...
- People share stories how their parents embarrassed...
Clueless Woman Actually Sent Insurance Man Pictures Of...
- Girl misunderstood insurance guy’s request for...
25 Super Entitled People Who Need A Reality Check
- People who think the rules don't apply to them and...
Gas Station Offers Free Gas For Everyone Who Comes In...
- When a bunch of dudes in bikinis storms your station...
Dude Patiently Explains to a Med Student that She's...
- She falsely assumed he was an SI or "Supplemental...
Horrible 'Karen' Demands Free Food For Absolutely No...
- WTF was you thinking,
18 Pics that Expose the Truth of Instagram vs. Reality
- You can always take the perfect photo, when you edit...
23 Entitled People Who Think They Deserve More
- They need to get a grip on reality.
Absolute Ding Dong Wants Controllers for His Little...
- Joycons ain't cheap, brother.
eBaum's Picks