25 Things That Aged Really, Really Poorly
- Time can be a cruel mistress.
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Girl Gets Roasted By Her Friends After Having A Bad...
- Poor girl woke up looking like an alien and her...
25 People Who Clearly Know Nothing About Women
- These people obviously skipped Biology in school.
19 People Begging You For Money
- You've never seen people more shameless in your entire...
26 Absolutely Disastrous Wedding Photos
- Something tells me a lot of these couples didn't go...
18 Trashy People That Will Trigger You
- Society's worst gathered in a gallery.
Professor Panics After Sending Entire Class An...
- Hey, at least they're all old enough to see that kind...
25 Pics That Show We're Drowning In A Sea Of Stupidity
- Abandon all hope.
23 Budget Tattoos That Prove You Get What You Pay For
- If you're gonna have something permanently marked onto...
25 Times Beggars Tried To Be Choosers
- These people are jerks, please don't be like them.
16 Passive Aggressive Things That Will Leave You...
- There's nothing better than an anonymous note when you...
25 People Who Really Don't Understand Female Anatomy
- ... That's not how it works. That's not how any of...
Storm Area 51 Memes Causes Pornhub's Alien Porn Search...
- Pornhub stats show that women age 18-24 were 30% more...
29 People Who Completely Missed the Joke
- This stuff went right over their heads.
Woman Calls Out Comic Book Creators For Being...
- Someone got offended and tried to shame a comic maker...
48 Cringey Adults Trying to Appeal to the Youths
- Fortnite into the yeetest gallery on the Web, and take...
42 Pics that Prove the World is Full of Lies and...
- Some people take deceit to a form of art.
30 Trashy People Who Are Destroying The Planet
- People who will make you do a permeant facepalm.
Divorce Lawyers Share the Most Outrageous Reasons...
- Your relationship couldn't be THIS bad, could it?
31 People Who Are Way Too Thirsty For Social Media...
- When your entire existence revolves around the...
28 Expensive Fails That Made Someone's Wallet Cry
- Mistakes were made, costly ones at that.
24 Posts Filled To the Brim With Stupidity
- This stuff will make you facepalm.
Influencer Wanted Free Rooms For "Exposure", Manager...
- The way the hotel owner puts her in her place is SO...
30 Liars Who Got Called On Their Bullsh*t
- The Internet is full of people pretending to be...
30 Pics That Will Make Your Cringe Your Pants
- These guys need to be kicked off the internet.
31 People Who Are Really, REALLY Bad At Their Jobs
- It almost takes skill to fail this hard at something.
39 A**holes Who Just Want To Watch The World Burn
- Some people just live to ruin other people's day.
22 GIFs Of Hot Girls Eating Sh*t
- Doesn't matter how hot you are, you can still fail.
30 Instagram Pieces Who Need A Lesson In Photoshop
- Another week, another round-up of the Instagram babes...
"Nice Guy" Shows His True Colors When Woman Selling...
- Incel has a meltdown after a woman refuses to give a...
Creepy Brother Tries To Trade His Sisters Nudes For A...
- He definitely wasn't expecting this.
30 People Who Need To Quit Their Bullsh*t
- They got called out for their lies.
28 Fascinating Vintage Photos From the Past
- Go on a short trip back in time with this stroll down...
28 People Who Had One Job And Failed Miserably At It
- The level of incompetence is staggering.
20 Social Media Losers Who Got Called Out For Their BS
- When online, make sure to make yourself look as cool...
25 Fake Babes Seen On Instagram
- These ladies aren't fooling anyone.
These Awkward Couples Prove There's Someone for...
- Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
18 Annoying Things That'd Tick Anyone Off
- Annoying things that would send you over the edge.
30 Images That Are Filled With Stupidity
- These people do not have their heads screwed on right.
30 Liars Who Got Called on their B.S.
- People lie all the time, these people happened to be...
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