Desperate Woman Demands an Adoption Fee from the...
- This lady is off her rocker and should have never got...
Media galleries
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Joke: Blonde Girl Gives Man's "Porch" a Fresh Coat of...
- A slight miscommunication leads to a disaster of epic...
25 People Who Stayed Cool in Wild Situations
- Situations where people acted like nothing out of the...
Incel Loses His Mind When A Girl Rejects Him
- He was totally about respecting them ladies, and you...
Weird Lady Makes It Her Life Work To Pose Dead At...
- In a quest to highlight landmarks & public places,...
17 Believable Conspiracies That Could Very Well Be True
- A collection of conspiracy theories people shared when...
Bride Invited the Wrong Christian Lady to Her...
- Vegas is gonna be a Christian good time!
23 Feeling Cute, Might Delete Later Memes to Hype You...
- The resurgence of this old meme format has people...
30 Ugly & Unusual Homes Get Roasted
- Belgium has become notorious for its quirky...
26 Coachella Pics and Memes That Will Make You Hate It...
- Coachella 2019 has begun and whether you care or not,...
25 Times the Customer Was Dead Wrong
- If you have ever worked in customer service, or the...
30 Wardrobe Malfunctions
- Somehow these made it into the stores.
Clothing Advertisement Gets Roasted For All The Right...
- When you try to make an honest advertising campaign...
29 Social Media Posts That Ruined People's Lives
- Think twice before you hit the submit button.
Liberal Woman Buys a Gun and Things Spiral Out of...
- Fiona got upset when someone said she shouldn't have a...
Gillette's Latest Ad With Plus Sized Models Has...
- In an attempt to celebrate diversity they have been...
30 Most Extreme Cases Of Hoverhands Ever
- Hot girls bring out the inner-nerd within. For...
25 People Who Failed At Photoshop
- There is no amount of editing that can hide this...
PETA Gets Roasted Online For Its "Beastiality" Meme
- Peta always has to get completely ridiculous to prove...
34 Proofs that Being Left Handed is its Own Kind of...
- The problems us left-handed people face on a daily...
31 Fake Tough Guys Who Think They're the Sh**t
- You better watch out for these dangerous individuals...
PornHub and Jameela Jamil Rekt Khloe Kardashian on...
- The Good Place star had some harsh words for Khloe's...
22 People Who Celebrated Too Early
- They got way too ahead of themselves.
Cringey Neckbeard Shows His True Colors After Making...
- I think it's safe to say that this guy has never...
Guy Gets Roasted Online For His Ridiculous Body...
- An Australian man recently flew halfway across the...
24 Times Sh** Hit the Fan
- Times when things crumbled down around people.
24 People Born and Raised in Cringe
- These people will make you pray for humanity.
22 People Who Failed Hard and Payed the Price
- Sometimes nothing you do goes according to plan.
Desperate Charity Case Bothers a Business Owner
- There's no such thing as a free cabinet, lady.
33 People Who Thought They Were Intellectual Bad*sses
- These people think they're something else but are...
32 Times Expectation Crashed into Harsh Reality
- Sometimes what you expect out of a situation ends up...
26 Times You Were Your Own Worst Enemy
- This hurts. Cause when you are your worst enemy there...
18 People Who Think They Met A Celebrity
- But really they did not. Honestly the people asking...
36 Regrettable Only Purchase That You'll Want To Return
- This gallery is a perfect example that online shopping...
14 Dad Jokes To Cringe Your Khakis Off
- These dads just won't let go of these jokes no matter...
35 Times Drivers Were Dumb AF
- People who are doing the stupidest things, you'll...
Anti-Vaxxing Mom Gets Pelted With Stupid Answers to...
- She's not looking for this post to turn into a debate,...
World's Dumbest Kid Attempts to Buy Lego
- His parents need to take the phone away.
32 Times When Things Didn't Go According to Plan...
- Surprising moments and unexpected situations.
27 of the Stupidest People We Could Get Our Dumb Hands...
- No one should be allowed to be this stupid. Unless...
eBaum's Picks