22 Reasons People Were Blocked by Celebs On Social...
- Some of these are honestly just so petty and hilarious.
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10 Possible Actresses to Play Captain Shepard In a...
- We recently posted a list of potential actors to play...
25 Celebrities Who Know That Money Isn't Everything
- Were they fools?
19 Tweets That Show How Bright (or Not) Celebrities...
- I hope I never become famous.
15 Candid Photos of El Chapo's Beauty Pageant Wife
- What's the life of a drug kingpin wife like?
18 Child Actors Who Used to Be Famous and Are Now...
- Time isn't kind to us all.
24 Celebrities From the 90's Back in the Day vs. Now
- How time flies.
33 Dummies Who Had No Idea Who They Were Talking To
- Now this is just embarrassing! Instant Karma in its...
20 Interesting Facts Almost Too Weird to Be True
- Let today be the day you learn something new!
35 Lifelike Celeb Caricatures From Twitter Picasso
- Twitter Picasso created custom drawings of people on...
34 Unexpected Celebrities Acting in Video Games
- Video game acting is the new hot thing apparently.
Jenifer Aniston Faces Backlash Over 'Our First...
- People think she was tone-deaf.
29 Random Facts to Fill Your Noggin
- Some food for your brain.
48 Fascinating Facts About Celebrities
- You think you know them, but you have no idea.
21 Behind the Scene Photos From Iconic Movies
- Green screens, funny costumes with motion capture...
28 Funny Things Posted by Celebrities
- They know how to bring the laughs.
17 Pairs of Celebrities Who You Wont Believe are the...
- How age affects celebrities differently.
20 Photos of Celebrities From Their Childhood
- Before they were famous, they were just kids.
20 Celebrity Encounters That Reveal a Lot
- For better or for worse, these people had a celebrity...
19 Slightly Older Celebrities Who Are Still Knockouts
- They're aging like fine wine.
24 Celebrities From Back in the Day
- Before everyone knew their names these celebrities...
16 Famous Celebrities of the 2000's in Their Heyday...
- It's so crazy to see how they've aged - some...
34 Celebrities Who Aged like Rotten Avocados
- See which celebrities have been hiding in the back of...
19 Actors in Their First Roles and Now
- They all look so different now!
20 Celebrity Encounters People Couldn't Forget
- Some were nice, some were weird, but all were...
57 Hollywood Actors Hanging Out With Their Famous Roles
- This brings back so many memories.
34 Celebrities Being Too Horny for Their Own Good
- Social media brings out the strange in everyone.
23 Celebrities Before They Were Famous
- The side of celebs most people never see.
22 Behind-the-Scenes Pics From Major Films
- Things fans never get to see.
21 Pictures of Ghislaine Maxwell With A-List...
- Would be a shame if these people were reminded of...
People Who Knew Celebrities Before They Were Famous...
- Before all the money and the fame, celebrities were...
Servers Dish About Celebrities They've Waited On
- You can tell a LOT about a person's character by...
18 Celebrities Who No Longer Look like They Used To
- Aging isn't always so graceful.
41 Celebrities Beside Their Younger Selves
- Remember a time when these celebrities were actually...
21 Stars of Past and Present at the Same Age
- Celebrities who started their careers decades ago...
35 Celebrities Roasted for Their Video Call Backgrounds
- As the world continues to move forward from the...
20 Famous Faces Behind Cartoon Voices
- Hopefully seeing these celebrities next to their...
25 Celebrities With and Without Makeup On
- They're rocking the quarantine look.
28 Celebrity Spouses Most People Don't Know about
- Their special other halves they keep hidden away.
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