20 Savage Tweets That Slow-Roasted Celebs
- We've collected another batch of tweets that have no...
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20 Untamed Tweets Putting Celebs in a Bodybag
- We're back at it again with another fresh batch of...
29 Celebrities and What They Were like before They...
- Straight from the people who knew them first, we hear...
20 Savage Tweets That Put Celebs in Their Place
- We've compiled another batch of tweets that have...
Not Another Batch of Tweets Sh*tting on Celebs
- We've gone ahead and compiled another batch of...
20 Times Celebs Got Roasted to a Crisp on Twitter
- Another work week means another chance to roast some...
25 of the Sweetest and Definitely Most Iconic Mullets...
- There is no haircut more famous or more iconic than...
20 Times Celebs Got Wrekt on Twitter
- Another batch of celebs that we hate to love and love...
20 Famous People Who Are Truly Talentless
- There are some famous people out there who quite...
20 Savage Tweets Scorching Celebs to Start the Week
- Another work week, another chance to dunk on the...
20 Savage Celeb Twitter Roasts of the Week
- Congrats y'all. We made it to the weekend. Your prize...
20 Tweets Proving Celebs Deserve to Be Dunked On
- We've collected another batch of tweets that are...
20 Tweets That Absolutely Scorch Celebs
- It's about that time of the week where we enjoy the...
30 Vintage Photos of Well Known Celebs
- Take a trip back in time with this blast from the past.
21 Celebs That People Absolutely Despise
- And for good reason...
30 Historical Celebrity Photos That Are Just...
- Pics most people have never seen.
18 Comparisons of Time to Change Your Perception
- Facts that go against our natural perception of time.
19 Cringey Times Awkward Dudes Met Female Celebrities
- Okay fellas. I see you. Shoot your shot I suppose.
20 Times Celebrities Clapped Back On Twitter
- Celebrities despite what you think, are no different...
30 People Share Secrets Now That Their NDAs Have...
- Things you're not supposed to know.
16 Celebrities With Criminal Pasts
- Famous people who broke the law and paid the price.
28 Times When Famous People Ruined Their Lives in Mere...
- Some people who really screwed up.
18 Celebrities We Didn't Know Were Still Alive
- They're not dead yet!
33 People Who Dated Celebrities Say What They're Like
- They aren't always what they seem.
20 Memes Danker Than Your Dog’s Dung
- Enjoy a nice assortment of hand-picked memes sure to...
18 Awful Celebs That Are Well Liked Since Their Deaths
- Should we forgive them just because they've passed?
25 Celebrity Names That Are Better Fit for Porn Stars
- Redditors come up with some of the whackiest ideas...
15 Celebrities People Aren't Used To Seeing Young
- A batch of celebrities then and now to change your...
28 Classic Old-School Photos of Celebs and Famous...
- Some rare photos from back in the day.
11 Famous Actresses Then Vs. Now
- How have they changed over the years?
38 Things We Miss About The Early 2000s
- It's crazy to think the early 2000s are 20 years ago
Not The Heroes We Thought: 23 People From History That...
- There are few (if any) historical figures that are...
16 Celebrities at the Beginning of Their Careers and...
- How they changed over the years.
18 Celebrities Who Demanded the Strangest Things
- Some ridiculous requests
24 Saddest Encounters With Celebrities
- Starstruck fans felt devastated to discover their...
29 Unhinged Things Posted by Companies and Celebrity...
- The internet can be the wild west at times. There...
29 Stories Of Celebrities Being Jerks
- Snoop Dog Seems Cool Though
I Guess I'm Famous Now: 15 Odd Ways Someone Became a...
- There is an old saying that goes, "80% of success is...
24 Real Celebrity Names That We Never Knew
- Obviously not every music artist is going to use their...
20 Celebs Who Gave Us Cringey Content during the...
- March 2020 was a strange time for sure. Let's take a...
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