27 of the Best and Worst Celebrity Diners
- Celebrities' dining manners and behavior ranked by the...
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29 Fascinating and Candid Behind the Scenes From Our...
- We've collected some of the coolest and most...
20 Celebrities Who Destroyed Their Own Careers
- There have been some hard and fast downfalls in the...
25 Facts You Didn't Know About the Roman Empire
- The Roman Empire changed the face of the world as we...
Twitter Thinks Harry Styles Spat on Chris Pine at the...
- At the premiere of the recent film "Don't Worry...
Leonardo DiCaprio Dumps 25-year-old GF, Gets Trolled...
- The actor has split with girlfriend Camila Morrone one...
Christopher Reeve Minces No Words When Asked about...
- The 'Superman' actor tells it like it is on his...
Hands Down the Best Michael Caine Impression We’ve...
- The clip comes to us courtesy of the 2010...
Blooper Reels from Hollywood’s Golden Age Are the...
- Our nostalgia for the past has only grown stronger...
‘Godfather’ Rehearsal Footage Reveals James Cann...
- It turns out James Caan, Al Pacino, and Robert Duvall...
27 Hilariously Awkward Celebrity Yearbook Photos We...
- What these stars looked like for their school pictures.
18 Celebrities We Didn't Know Were Still Alive
- They're not dead yet!
20 Movie Facts Courtesy of Rotten Tomatoes
- Rotten Tomatoes has become one of the go-to movie...
Ezra Miller Accused of Grooming 18 Year Old Girl and...
- DC’s The Flash star Ezra Miller is once again...
Actors So Good They Freaked Us Out with Their...
- If you don't want to be freaked, here are some...
'Top Gun' BTS Video Proves Tom Cruise Is Still a Bada**
- I was hesitant to see the new 'Top Gun', but not after...
18 Stars From the 80s and How They’ve Changed Over...
- Oh, the 1980's. What a time to be alive.
18 Stars From the 80s and How They’ve Changed Over...
- Oh, the 1980's. What a time to be alive.
27 Vintage Photos of Famous People From Decades Long...
- Some rare photos from back in the day.
11 Famous Actresses Then Vs. Now
- How have they changed over the years?
Johnny Depp Supporter Asking Amber Heard the Tough...
- Onlookers watched as Amber Heard exited Virginia's...
DC Star Ezra Miller's Career is Over in a Flash
- Ezra Miller, known for playing The Flash in the DC...
19 Creepy Kids of Horror Films Then Vs. Now
- Most of these actors and actresses got their start in...
24 Real Celebrity Names That We Never Knew
- Obviously not every music artist is going to use their...
22 Best Mustaches of All Time
- Here it is. The definitive list. The best mustaches in...
20 Celebs Who Gave Us Cringey Content during the...
- March 2020 was a strange time for sure. Let's take a...
"I'm Not Suicidal! Jussie Smollett's Weird Courtroom...
- Jussie Smollett, 39, convicted for lying to police...
25 Examples of Famous Actors Who Pretty Much Just Play...
- The best actors become a different person onscreen....
20 Insane Celebrity Baby Names That Didn't Age Well
- Why do celebrities curse to their children with...
26 Actors Who Played in Some Obscure-A** Bands
- You know the popular ones. Jack Black in Tenacious D....
15 Photos of TV Stars Back Then vs Now
- We're not trying to make you feel old, you have back...
13 Actors Who Took Things From Sets They Worked On
- Props and pieces of the show or movie that these...
20 Endearing Yet Awkward Photos of Celebs with Their...
- They say to never meet your heroes, because most of...
15 Strange Celeb Encounters Proving All Humans Are...
- Some straight up cringeworthy celeb interactions.
32 Pop Culture Icons Photoshopped beside Younger...
- Thanks to the absurdly talented photoshop artist, Ard...
25 Unpopular Movie Opinions That Might Get Us in...
- People enjoy films for a wide variety of reasons. Some...
15 Crazy Things Actors Did For a Role
- While some actors are famous for playing basically the...
25 Celebrities Who Are Secretly Entitled Jerks
- We love to gossip about celebrities. We love it even...
25 Old Movies That Still Hold Up Today
- Some films come and go, but there are a certain kind...
25 Movies With Excellent Plot Twists
- It's a great feeling to watch a movie and be caught...
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