Trashy Tenant Throws Garbage into Neighbor’s Yard,...
- Karma can be the biggest b*tch if you make her mad.
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Entitled Parents Leave Infant to Fend For Itself in...
- Entitled parents have entered the chat.
Entitled Client Gets a Full Refund For a Video But...
- The customer thinks he should still be able to use the...
Entitled Boomer Craving Chinese Food Gets Instant Karma
- Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Entitled Parents Pawn Their Kids off onto Grandparents...
- If you want to be a parent, that's your prerogative....
31 Things People Do that Scream 'I'm Entitled'
- People who think they are better than the rest of us.
20 Entitled People with No Grasp on Reality
- The worst of the worst.
17 Entitled Managers That Are Borderline Insane
- It's about time these managers returned from their...
30 People Who Think They Are Better Than Everybody Else
- They think the world revolves around them.
19 Entitled People Who Are Actually The Worst
- How can people be like this?
17 Crazy Dating App Demands
- And they wonder why they're single
23 Trashy People Getting Called Out Online
- They had to expose them online.
31 "Influencers" Who Just Arrived From Planet Cringe
- The cringe is almost impossible.
19 Entitled People Who Need a Reality Check
- We've collected another batch of folks who think the...
Pat Mahome's Awful Brother & Fiancee Won't Be at Super...
- The Bengals won over large parts of the country simply...
A Compilation of the Worst and Most-Entitled Airline...
- Angry airline passengers are nothing to mess around...
Parent Who Bullied Kid off Playground Asks 'AITA' and...
- Yes... the answer is yes.
TikToker Reports Door Dash Worker For Ignoring...
- @bailesb12 said her boyfriend tested positive for...
25 Entitled Karens That Think They're the Main...
- Karen videos are a bit like new Taco Bell menu items:...
30 Choosey Beggars Who Think They Deserve Better
- How entitled can one person possibly be?
24 Entitled People Who Need a Dose of Reality
- A batch of super entitled people who need to get a...
30 Entitled People Who Need To Get A Grip
- These people are just the worst.
23 People Who Have Reserved Seating in Hell
- Some people just don't know how to behave like human...
35 Choosey Beggars Who Forgot How People Work
- They need a reality check.
Karen Calls 911 Over Western Bacon Cheeseburger
- There's some next-level entitlement happening to make...
Karen Complains Restaurant Won't Serve Her After...
- Karen tries her best to throw a tantrum but the...
Backing the Car Into the Store to Avoid Rain Is a Pro...
- This may be the ultimate Karen move.
22 Cringe Lords and Ladies Share Their "Requirements"...
- They need a reality check.
27 Super Entitled People Who Need To Get A Grip
- These people have their head so far up their own asses...
35 Entitled Karens Spotted in Their Natural Habitat
- The wild world we live in has no shortage of people...
These Entitled People Actually Exist, Fortunately So...
- Entitled people suck, and here are 21 photos proving...
Veteran Spares Obnoxious Millennial Wannabe Gangster...
- Veteran keeps his cool while entitled brat gets in his...
19 Choosing Beggars Who Think They're Entitled To...
- Some people think the sun revolves around them....
Spoiled Baby Karen Botches Apology Interview With...
- 22-year-old Miya Ponsetto had a chance to set things...
Delivery Driver Takes Food Back After Getting $8 Tip
- That's a special level of entitlement right there.
30 Entitled Jerks Who Need to Take It Down Several...
- Where do they get the nerve?
25 Choosing Beggars Who Can't Be Pleased
- Beggars can’t be choosers, but that doesn't stop...
15 Entitled People Who Need to Get a Grip
- These people have no sense of reality.
27 People Entitled Beyond Belief
- You can always count on entitled people staking their...
Karen Makes Crazy Demands in a Tattoo Shop
- This Karen walked in and started making all sorts of...
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