Facebook Wins & Fails
- Back by popular demand: it's the wins and fails you...
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Look Up - A Video Everyone Needs To See
- Don't let your cyber life control your real life.
The Facepalm Collection
- More embarrassing, idiotic, and WTF moments from...
25 Facebook Fails of the Utmost Stupidity
- These make me scared for our species.
The Facepalm Collection
- More embarrassing, idiotic, and WTF moments from...
Facebook Secrets You Need To See
- Tips and tricks to turn yourself into a facebook pro.
The Facepalm Collection
- More embarrassing, idiotic, and WTF moments from...
Oculus Facebook Rift Gameplay Footage
- Actors: Brad McLean, Daniel Swansiger, Marc Tschudi....
32 Facebook Wins And Fails
- More moments from everyone's favorite social media...
South Park Called It With Oculus Rift
- This is the future of Facebook with the purchase of...
Rest In Peace Oculus Rift
- R.I.P. Oculus (2012-2014), you will be missed.
The Facepalm Collection
- 40 More embarrassing, idiotic, and WTF moments from...
33 Hilarious Facebook Fails
- Some Facebook moments that will make you facepalm.
The Facepalm Collection
- More embarrassing, idiotic, and WTF moments from...
First World (Pizza) Problems
- Real complaints from the Domino's Pizza Australia...
31 Pictures to Get You Through The Night
- Randomness Is awesomeness!
26 Pics That Will Make You Facepalm
- More embarrassing, idiotic, and WTF moments from...
28 Social Media Fails
- Sometimes people do stupid stuff on the internet.
21 Jerks Who Got Instant Karma
- Funny karma examples that will leave you feeling...
The Facepalm Collection
- More embarrassing, idiotic, and WTF moments from...
15 Things Cheaper Than WhatsApp
- WhatsApp company was purchased by Facebook for 19...
Seinfeld Predicts Facebook
- The bit may be referring to answering machines but the...
28 Pics Worthy of a Facepalm
- Embarrassing, idiotic, and WTF moments from across the...
Forever Alone on Valentine's Day
- 33 examples fit for those on Valentine's Day destined...
Facebook Look Back - Walter White
- Breaking Bad's Walter White posted everything on his...
Facebook Wins And Fails
- More of the Wins and Fails you love and love to hate!
The Facepalm Collection
- More embarrassing, idiotic, and WTF moments from...
The Facepalm Collection
- More embarrassing, idiotic, and WTF moments from...
Hiding Your Booze With Cats
- 15 Facebook photos made more "family friendly" with...
Facebook Updates Actually Worth Reading
- A gallery of Facebook updates that are unique and...
Facebook Wins And Fails
- More of the wins and fails you love and love to hate!
23 People with Facebook Family Issues
- Thanks for posting on my wall, Dad. Great. Really...
20 People Getting Owned On Facebook
- Nothing is better than friends and family embarrassing...
20 Embarrassing Facebook Moms
- You saw Dads crashing their kid's social lives, now...
20 Embarrassing Facebook Dads
- I have a feeling these kids may have to un-friend...
Facebook Sucks, But The Comments Are Awesome
- Some Of The Best Ones I've Seen
The Facepalm Collection
- More funny, embarrassing, and WTF moments from across...
Facebook Wins And Fails
- 32 more of the wins and fails you love and love to...
29 Great Moments In Drunkenness
- I can't wait for the weekend!
Honest Company Slogans
- Because we all know what it's really all about.
eBaum's Picks