17 Funny Facebook Fails
- More fails from the site that never stops amazing us.
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Facebook Wins And Fails
- 34 More of the wins and fails you love and love to...
The Facepalm Collection
- More embarrassing WTF moments of people from across...
The Facepalm Collection
- Back with some more embarrassing situations and wtf...
8 Signs You're Using The Internet Wrong
- Think before posting, or you may receive a "social...
Facebook Wins And Fails
- More of the posts from Facebook you love and the fails...
Scary Facebook Reaction to Girl Wearing American Flag
- No one even asked if she's American...
30 Facebook Wins And Fails
- More of the wins and fails you love!
Mom Blasts Daughter Over Facebook
- Mom delivers a verbal beatdown about her facebook...
Facebook Wins And Fails
- More of the wins and fails you love!
Facebook Wins And Fails
- More of the Facebook posts you love, and love to hate!
Facebook Fails: Family Edition
- Don't be friends with your family on facebook.
32 Facebook Wins And Fails
- More of the wins and fails you love!
How To Annoy Your Ex On Facebook
- Brilliant.
Facebook Wins And Fails
- More of the wins and fails you love!
36 Examples Of Bad English
- These people missed some classes...
Teen Walks 10 Miles In Snow For Job
- A desperate teen makes his way across town looking for...
Facebook Wins and Fails
- Please log off and delete your account...
The Best Of Facepalm
- Sometimes words cannot express the idiocy...
32 Facebook Wins and Fails
- More amazing Facebook wins and fails.
Facebook Wins and Fails
- Caution: You may see one of your own posts here...
32 People Who Should Not Be Allowed On Facebook
- Stupid people, stupid people everywhere...
Clever Facebook Cover Photos
- Talent level = more than I have...
SF Cop's Facebook Video Under Review
- Another cop who feels above the law and gets caught...
Facebook Wins and Fails
- Facebook posts you love to hate!
Facebook Wins and Fails (32 Pics)
- Go ahead, feel better about yourself.
29 Facebook Wins and Fails
- Hilarious Facebook posts you have to see to believe.
29 Facebook Wins and Fails
- More of the wins and fails you love!
Jackaholics & Facebook Stalkers Anonymous
- Haters gonna hate, but this is JUST the message the...
31 Facebook Wins and Fails
- More of the wins and fails you love.
Facebook Wins and Fails
- More of the wins and fails you love.
- I'm on da youtube... #tweetingmytwitter
Facebook Wins and Fails
- For the Lulz
26 People Getting Owned On Facebook
- People getting owned on facebook.
32 Facebook Wins and Fails
- Gotta love 'em.
Introducing Some Crappy Thing Called "Airtime"
- Airtime is the new online utility to revolutionize the...
32 Facebook Wins and Fails
- More of the facebook wins and fails you love!
Facebook Wins and Fails
- More of your favorite Facebook Wins and Fails
32 Classic Facebook Wins and Fails
- Go ahead, feel better about yourself.
22 Facebook Wins and Fails
- The best of Facebook wins and fails!
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