Woman Suing Chop’t After Claiming Salad Contained...
- On a recent trip to Chop’t, one woman is claiming...
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25 Bits of Nostalgia That Show What Life Looked Like...
- We all long to go back to those simpler times.
His Ring Became Part Of His DNA At This Point
- A man who didn't remove his ring for over 10 years has...
Woman's Dumbass Neighbor Leaves his Severed Finger...
- Karma was the partner in crime for this lady's...
Idiot Places His Hand on a Dart Board at the Wrong...
- This dude reacted surprisingly well after his buddy's...
Little Girl's Magic Trick Ends With a Hilarious...
- Sometimes the cutest kids do the funniest things. ...
Local Hero Builds A Giant Middle Finger To Get Back At...
- Ted Pelkey, a Vermont man, discovers a whole new level...
Harvard Running Back Decides To Flip Off The Other...
- Harvard running back, flips off Yale defender on way...
Guy Flips Off Police Officers and Crashes Trying To...
- The guy almost got away from them.
A Vikings Fan Filmed Her Walk Into The Eagles Stadium...
- Stay classy, Eagles fans.
Good Guy Police Officer Gives Man A Free Prostate Exam
- At least buy him dinner first man, damn.
The Best Twitter Reactions To Last Nights Episode Of...
- **Warning: Spoilers Abound** Your weekly round up of...
She Takes The "Five Finger Fillet" Knife Game To a...
- I would be missing several fingers after the first 10...
This Is What A Middle Finger Sounds Like Played On A...
- Or should we say, the sound of a midi finger?
Incredibly Fast and Talented Finger Painter
- This guy can make a beautiful little painting in the...
Hand Picked Photos That Will Amuse Your Raunchy Ass
- Chase away the Tuesday blues with some funny adult...
The Rock Ain't Got Time To Bleed
- Like we need any more proof he's a badass. (Not for...
Genuine Little Badass at Ping Pong Tournament
- This kid doesn't give a f**k, and he's not afraid to...
35 Photos That Prove You Have A Dirty Mind
- It's important to keep you libido in check from time...
Cop Blows His Finger Off In Gun Shop
- The officer is checking out a loaded firearm and has...
J.J. Watt Gets Swatted By Young Fan
- The kid followed the swat up with a finger wag!
Remove A Stuck Ring With Dental Floss
- Next time you can't get that ring off your finger, try...
This "Finger Drummer" Has Some Talent
- An impressive song named Winter Jams performed by...
Think All Hobbits Are Nice?
- Bilbo Baggins has a special message just for you...
Demonstrating A Taser Fail
- A woman showing self defense devices accidentally...
Funny Blindfolded "Touch This" Prank
- They really made an ass of him...
Mouthy Brat Learns You Shouldn't Piss off the Person...
- A woman arrested for possession of Xanax learns a...
Meet Johnny Booger Finger
- A candid look at what can happen if you forget to...
Radical Hardcore Finger Scootering
- Sweet moves from the razor finger scooter king...
Football Player Suffers Gruesome Finger Injury
- Pretty sure fingers aren't supposed to look like...
Behind the Finger
- Harry and Charlie go Hollywood - Spaghetti style.
Guy Shoots His Dog
- With his finger! Cutest video you'll see today.
Shotgun a Beer with Just Your Finger
- liek a baus!
Hot Girlfriend Lottery Prank!!
- Trolled.
Kid Owns Flamin Finger Arcade Game
- How in the hell?
Squirrel Bites Boy
- Boy freaks out.
Panther Takes Finger
- Ever seen the 'don't feed the animals' sign? Now you...
Grand Illusion 3
- I had no clue finger boarding could look this badass.
Amazing Finger Painter
- Bob Ross would be proud.
eBaum's Picks