Europeans Really Want to Go to the University of...
- They may deny it, but the average European yearns for...
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'How Many Children Do You Think You've Killed?': U...
- Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or a...
24 Fresh Memes and Pics That Are Technically the Truth
- If you came here looking for an argument then you're...
22 Funny Tweets to Help the Medicine Go Down
- The timeline is cracking the case of Kate Middleton...
23 People Share Scientifically Proven Facts They Still...
- Just because a bunch of really smart people tell us...
Thursday Morning Randomness: 50 Randoms For a Happy...
- Happy leap year! Celebrate with some fun pics, memes...
‘$300 Bottle Service’: 26 Experiences We’re...
- The powers of peer pressure are well documented.
20 Housekeepers Share the Secrets They've Learned...
- According to the housekeepers of Reddit, if you have a...
29 Fresh Pics, Memes and Fails For the Exquisite Minds
- The world is your oyster and the internet is your home...
26 People Share Their Lowest Stakes Conspiracy Theories
- Believing in conspiracy theories is typically frowned...
Monkey Sets His Nuts On Fire
- Forget teaching a man to fish, have you ever wondered...
Wednesday Morning Randomness: A 50 Burger of Fun...
- It's the midweek, and it's time to get random!
Tuesday Morning Randomness: 43 Fun Randoms to Help...
- Just because the new week isn't well and truly under...
23 Products Made For Women That Were Clearly Designed...
- Women’s History Month starts very soon and if you...
21 Monday Work Memes to Laugh at On Company Time
- Happy Monday, your horrors await you!
23 Fresh Comments That Totally Nailed It
- They hit a home run in the comments section.
Monday Morning Randomness: 47 Fresh Pics and Memes to...
- We hope you had a restful weekend because you're about...
24 of the Funniest Tweets You Missed This Week
- We’ve compiled all the goofs from Twitter for you to...
22 People Who Made Major Blunders On the Job
- Taking “oopsie” to a whole different level.
Sunday Morning Randomness: 55 Fun Randoms in an XL...
- There's only one day left for you to enjoy this...
‘Who Am I Gonna Call Now?’: Citizens Debate What...
- Poland has experienced a real “who watches the...
Fraternity Boxing Match Ends in Bros Getting Lit on...
- While boxing pretends to be a gentleman’s game, at...
Guy Roasted After Attempting to Calculate Heroin Into...
- Hitting your macros ain’t easy.
See-Through Pants Are the MLB’s New Attraction
- You asked, they listened: You can finally see baseball...
48 Funny Tweets to Enjoy This Weekend
- Another week, another funny round-up of all the best...
27 Tasks That Failed Successfully
- Life is full of choices. Right or left, crash into a...
Saturday Morning Randomness: 46 Fabulous Randoms for a...
- Welcome to the weekend; as a reward here are some fun...
20 Friday Facepalms of Absolute Failure
- As tends to happen in society, there have been plenty...
25 People Share the Moment They Realized They Were...
- Not all couples are compatible.
Friday Morning Randomness: 53 Fun Randoms to Fix You...
- Congratulations, you've made it to the very end of the...
25 People Who Completely Missed the Joke
- Being terminally online is a disease that rears its...
21 Funny Posts That Were Oddly Specific
- Asking questions on the internet is a common practice,...
34 Times The Comments Were Better Than The Post
- Not all content can be good content, and sometimes it...
34 Times The Comments Were Better Than The Post
- Not all content can be good content, and sometimes it...
Thursday Morning Randomness: An XL Batch of 57 Rad...
- You're already most of the way through the week, and...
'Older Than They Look' 10 People Who Were Mistaken for...
- You can't judge books by their covers, especially when...
Not Our Best Employee: 27 People Who Had One Jon, and...
- Not everybody can be trusted to get the job done, but...
Wednesday Morning Randomness: 45 Fun Randoms to Seize...
- Welcome to the middle of the week, now please enjoy...
18 Awkward Memes of Mark Zuckerberg at UFC
- UFC Fight Night 298 in Anaheim California on Saturday...
Monday Work Memes for Those of Us Who Just Clocked In
- On another dreary Monday back in the rat race, we...
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