25 People Who Failed The Only Job They Had In Epic...
- Dumb people at work.
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27 People Who Should Have Thought Things Through First
- I guess we all can't be good at our jobs.
Manager Shows Up 10 Minutes Late to Interview, and...
- This person arrived early for their interview only...
How to Use Your PTO Days to Maximize Vacation Time
- Turn Your PTO Into 46 Glorious Days Off
23 Relatable Work Memes For When You Can't Stand It...
- They won't make your job better, but they'll give you...
Manager Demands to Use Worse System, Chaos Ensues
- The employees always know what's best.
20 Work Related Life-Hacks That Are Worth Keeping in...
- People learn many nifty tricks on working the system.
36 People Who Didn't Do Their Only Job
- It's not like they had to multitask here.
People Reveal Secrets from Different Jobs They’ve...
- Most of us assume everyone else in the world has a...
Boss Makes Sick Employee Get Doctor’s Note, So They...
- Thanks to a petty doctor, this employee gets their...
Worker Trains Boss to Be on Time
- When the boss was consistently late to interviews,...
Incompetent Boss Sabatoges Himself By Demanding...
- This employee enacts the simplest revenge by just...
23 People Who Didn't Do Their Only Job
- It's not like they had multiple responsibilities.
30 Moments People Realized They Weren't Getting Paid...
- Things that pushed people to the brink of quitting.
20 Bad Bosses Who Don’t Understand the Real World
- They make work worse than it already is.
Industry Secrets: 30 Things Professionals Wish Their...
- Stuff the general public does or thinks but has no...
31 Relatable Work Memes that Sum Up Why It Stinks
- Memes about everyone's least favorite place... work.
31 People Failing The 'One Job' They Had
- How hard could it be?
Literally the Worst: 24 Women Share the Things Men Do...
- It's an open secret that men often get on women's...
30 Bosses Who Made Bad Decisions That Made Everyone...
- When they just had enough.
25 Disappointing Things We Keep Going Back To
- You'd think life would be simple. If something sucks,...
36 Too-True Work Memes To Waste Time With
- Forget about Karen in HR for a moment and have a laugh...
Boss Wannabe Gets Blasted Online for Belittling a...
- This guy asked reddit if he was the a**hole in a work...
29 People Who Had One Job and Failed It
- Welp, here we are again. Another batch of 'you had one...
28 Work Memes to Sideline Your Productivity
- Make sure you finish these work memes by 5:00 PM...
17 People Who Had One Job and Now Have None
- Maybe they need to think about another career...
22 Subtle Signs That Your New Job Is Going To Be Awful
- We all need to work, but we expect to work at a decent...
23 Work Memes to Get You Through the Day
- These work memes could probably have been in an email...
19 Work Memes That Are Takin' Care of Business
- You better have these work memes finished and on my...
29 Gloriously WTF Ways People Quit Their Jobs
- When you've just had enough.
DJ Drops Deuces While Still Dropping Beats
- Modern problems require modern solutions.
19 Memes for the Last Work Week of the Year
- Trying to avoid drowning yourself in coffee? We've got...
27 People Who Should Probably Be Fired
- How does this even happen?
25 Memes That Are Taking Care of Business and Workin'...
- Stuff to help cheer you up for the coming work week.
38 Work Memes That Are Just Here to Pay Bills
- Here are 38 funny ones to look at while you're...
23 Professions That Are Borderline Unethical
- Going to your job can suck, but at least you don't...
44 Work Memes That Simply Can't Take It Anymore
- You might be able to relate.
25 Jobs That Pay Way Too Much For Very Little Work
- Most of us don't get paid nearly enough for what we...
28 Job Fails that Gave Our Interns Renewed Hope
- How does this even happen?
19 Funny Work Memes that Left a Present in Their...
- Some monday morning work memes you might relate to.
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