Little Jack's Debut Performance
- Poop in my butt.
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Creepy Cricket Fan Vs College Football Fan
- They go head to head...who will prevail?
Kid Gets Punished By Girl
- Pow! Right in the kisser!
How NOT to Play Soccer With Your Kid
- Nice going dad!
Little Kid Vomits in Choir
- Poor kid pukes for the song finale!
Surveillance Camera Man Doesn't Care
- Oh, I'm just taking a video...
Hardcore Parkouur Accident
- Caution: Mildly Disturbing...
Karate Kid Fail
- These boards DO hit back!
Kid Narrowly Avoids Death By Motorcycle
- A fraction of a second and he lives another day.
Awesome Karaoke Phillipino Kid
- Whitney Houston reincarnated?
Games I Played as a Kid
- The greatest collection of board games from the 80s...
Small Fishing Master
- Watch the skilled ginger at work!
Kid With No Arms Hits Half Court Shot
- Fresh Kicks!
Kid Takes Bottle Rocket To The Face
- Right in the kisser!
Don't Bully The Fat Kid
- Or you may get more than you bargained for!
Stranger Danger Vs Ice Cream
- Wanna bite?
17 Year Old Stabs Man Over Xbox Argument
- Stabbed more than 20 times! Unreal!
Smoked Pot and Got Caught
- 13yo kid got caught smoking weed, so mom made him wear...
Kid Crashes Into Mailbox
- Owners came home noticing their mailbox was messed...
Hot Cheetos and Takis
- The new summer anthem is here!
Russian Fire Breathing Goes Wrong
- Burning your face with Vodka, how ironic.
Fat Kid Almost Dies Attempting Backflip!
- He's ok, and eating well!
Kid Walks In On Parents In Bedroom
- Ragu to the rescue!
With a Piece of Chalk
- Amazing break dancing kid.
Jerk Baby Goat Kicks Buddy
- What is this tom-foolery?
3 Year Old Crashes Car
- A 3yo kid opens a car door, starts it up, and then...
Kid Reacts To Brad Lillibridge Being Traded To The Red...
- Little White Sox fan cries while his rotten father...
5 Year Old's Reaction To "Call Me Maybe"
- Spot on little man!
Jimmy Kimmel Hooks Kid Up To Fake Lie Detector
- Poor kid spills the beans.
Waimea River Surfing
- Surfing, Johnny Cash, and amazing scenery......doesn't...
I Have Boogers
- Snot!
Invisibility Cloak!!
- What would you do if you had one?
Human Slingshot Fail
- Better luck next time, kid.
Chasing Mom Fail
- Kid smashes into a tree while trying to race home.
2 Year Old Kid Hears For The First Time
- A deaf 2 year old boy hears his mother’s voice for...
Amazingly Talented Kid
- 3 year old Swedish boy sings - Somebody that I used to...
Kid Sings"Ain't No Homos Going To Make It To Heaven"
- A church full of people cheering on a child singing a ...
I Feel Dizzy Kid Is Hilarious
- Side effects of anesthesia!
Miniature Stuntman
- This is what happens when you give a motorbike to a...
12 Year Old Saves 4 Siblings Lives
- He got his brothers out then ran back through the fire...
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