Smart Kid Vs Dumb Cop
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Wheel of Fortune Fail
- A college kid fails to solve the puzzle. Looks like...
How To Wake Up a Kid
- How to wake up a sleeping kid. Only 3 years old!
Kid Battling Sleep Vs. Ice Cream
- This kid looks sick...maybe dad should just take the...
Passerby Saves Kid's Life
- This person is a hero in my book.
Skateboarders First Fail
- Couch skateboarding is more dangerous than you think.
Kid Crosses Road at the Wrong Time
- Foam swords are dangerous.
Kid Owns Flamin Finger Arcade Game
- How in the hell?
LOL Television Gif Quiff
- "In this gallery someone's gonna get burned!"
Autistic Six Year Old Plays Piano Man
- Boy playing the Billy Joel classic Piano Man with his...
Autistic Six Year Old Plays Piano Man
- Boy playing the Billy Joel classic Piano Man with his...
Autistic Six Year Old Plays Piano Man
- Boy playing the Billy Joel classic Piano Man with his...
Good Man Saves Kid From Dogs Attacking
- Props to this broseph dude.
Kid Has A Magical Voice
- He definitly has a future.
Bowl Is Too Heavy For Kid
- What the hell is that bowl made of?
Kid Collides With Car
- Poor kid, it must of been cold out.
Caine's Arcade
- A 9 year old boy, who built an elaborate cardboard...
Kid Falls Through Glass Table
- It get's real when mom and dad come in!
Face Guy Runs for President
- Jack Blankenship, aka the Alabama Face Guy, is running...
Soccer Player Gives Little Kid a Keepsake Before the...
- What an honor...
Scared Straight - Kool Aid Lips
- Hilarious
Father of the Year
- If you need a babysitter, this skateboarder is...
Chubby Kid Gets Hit By Car
- It's funny because he's fat.
Mom Kicks Son's Ball
- this is why it is usually left up to the father.
Why Kids Should Never Fall Asleep at a Waterpark
- Your parents will do this to you.
Little Kid has a Dirty Mouth
- Like a sailor.
Best Soccer Fan Ever
- Kid pokes himself in the eye on live TV but doesn't...
Little Kid Stands Up Against Little Bully
- Take that you bully...
How To Protect Your Virginity For Life
- cry on live tv
A Kid Is Owned Six Times In Two Minutes
- Icy Hot on his balls, pepper extract in mouth,Kicked...
This Kid Can Dance
- He got a move like badger.
Hilarious Spelling Bee Troll
- Heroin? What's the word again? trolololol
Dubstep - Kid vs Security Guard
- My money is on the kid
My First Hardcore Song - by 8yr old Juliet
- "Let's Open Up This Pit"
The Kid Can Play Guitar
- Swagger tank on full.
Lion Vs Little Kid
- What is this invisible force!!? FUUU
The Best Pageant Crackhead From Toddlers Tiaras EVER!
- A Dollar Makes Me Holla, Honey Boo Boo!
Library Sends Cops To 5-Year-Old's House For Overdue...
- A five-year-old girl burst into tears after a local...
Cool Kid Opening His Gifts
- Kid opens a gift of,supposedly, a box of crackers, and...
Epic Diving Board Fail
- Little kid gets absolutely owned by diving board
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