Kids Reaction to Uneven Portions
- They're kids they work it out!
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Jose Barrientos Epic Speech Class Prank
- He reveals to his classmates that hes been faking his...
Rock Paper Scissors
- Little kids have an interesting take on the classic...
Acid Groovy Gabba Gabba!
- Is LSD responsible for kick ass kid shows?
Kid Snippets: "First Thanksgiving" (Kids Tell, Adults...
- We asked a couple kids to act out the first...
Chubby Kid's Epic "We Are Young" Cover
- Sweet Editing Skills Bro
32 Childhood Stars Then And Now
- A quick update on some of your favorite stars.
Kid Rock & Pam Anderson Yell at Paparazzi
- kick rock and Pam Anderson get really mad at their...
Thriller Choreography Goes Wrong
- MJ would still approve.
Zombie Skin - By Murp
- A foot stompin zombie mosh song!
This Kid's Going Places
- He's only the best child model in America.
Warning! Kids On The Road!
- A back to school special.
Kid's Basketball Class - Performed By Adults
- Some one is way too serious...
Reaction To The Odd Life Of Timothy Green
- Supposedly the feel good movie of the season...Disney...
Family Plays With Their Pet Chin Monkey
- One of the reasons why I can't wait to have kids to do...
Kids Gaming Party Escalates Quickly
- Is this real life?
Crazy Trip
- Sniffing glue while riding the train...
Mr Wizard Trolling Kids With Science
- You're wrong.
Fat Woman Slide Fail
- A fat lady falls down the steps and wipes out a bunch...
Creepy Kids: Children In Horror Films
- Horror Movies’ Worst Kids. I'm sure you would agree.
Baby Has A Close Call With Skateboard
- It must be this kid's lucky day!
Chimp Surprise
- Peek-a-boo chimp has a nasty surprise for these kids.
30 Cases of Bad Parenting
- There's no rule book on raising kids, but if there...
The Eighties Technology Vs Today For Kids
- Still, I like Donkey Kong.
Purple Panda Scares School Children
- Anyone with a name like McFeely should not be allowed...
Cop Kicks Kids Out of Park
- I feel really bad for this cop, he's obviously...
Baby Bouldering
- This really explains how he got out of his crib in the...
Happy Kitchen's Kids Meal
- I got cancer just watching this...
One Dirty Game Of Soccer
- Kids Can Play Dirty Too!
Stupid Kids Go Downhill In a Wooden Spool
- Double Whammy LOL
Kid Hits Home Run During Intentional Walk
- Wonder why they were trying to intentionally walk him
Then And Now
- "Back To The Future II" by Irina Werning. The...
A Knock Knock Joke
- Kids tell them the best.
Scared Straight Butthole Mashup
- This would scare anyone
WayBack WHENsday: Message To Santa
- Classic: They're kids, they're cute, nuff said.
Kids Having a Rough Day at School
- In Russia, they take hitting the books a little too...
I Gave My Kids a Terrible Present
- It turns out kids like GOOD presents for the holidays
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