The Most Intense Taekwondo Fight Ever
- Chuck Norris couldn't tie these kids shoes!
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Doorbell Prank With Unexpected Bonus
- Some kids pull a doorbell prank on someone, but it...
Mall Santa Gets Stuck Rappelling From Ceiling
- This internet classic features everything we love in a...
Life Lessons in Skyrim
- Little girl learns that people don't like to get...
Family House Destroyed by Kids
- Mom was in the bathroom a little bit longer than...
Guy Breaks Up Fight From His Window
- that's one way to do it...
Mommy Doesn't Like Kiddie Rides
- Mom throws up at the end of a kiddie ride in Kema, TX.
Cute Kid Knows Difference Between Boys and Girls
- Kids overhear the darndest things.
Bad Parenting 2
- Again, Some people should just not have kids...
If You Sleep Over At This Kid's House You're Doomed
- Sweet doom soundtrack.
Dizzy Kid Smacks Head
- Dizzy kid owns himself.
Two Young Kids Beat Up Mom's Boyfriend
- I wouldn't want to mess with these two kids when they...
Slip-N-Slide Faceplant
- "It might not be slippery yet Lane..."
Kids Unwrap Military Dad Home From Deployment
- Happy Independence Day...
Soldier Dad Uses Military Training to Stop Bank Robber
- Dad of the year?
Dumbest Girls Ever Rob Girls Scouts
- How Could They Be So Dr. Evil?
Brutal Knock Out in Basement Bout
- Down goes Danny
Kids Dreams Ruined in 21 Seconds
- Douche bag
29 Extremely Bad Parenting Photos
- Some people should not have kids... or be allowed...
Neighborhood Fireworks FAIL
- perhaps this is why they are illegal in many states...
Shotput To The Skull
- Practicing some track and field, a kid almost kills...
Kinect Bitchslap
- Pwn your kids with the new Bitchslap game from EA...
Crazy Man Shoots Kids for Skating
- You gotta be kidding me. Really?
Young Skater Gets Smacked Around and Chewed Out by Cop
- Don't call a cop "dude" or "man"
Killer Bus Brawl
- fighting stance is LOL
Nutshot Compilation Video
- 20 nutshots in 46 seconds
Eggbombed From The 5th Floor
- The reaction from the kid's friend is priceless.
Little Girl Uses Teacups as High Heels
- Got to admit it's pretty cute.
Shoe Cannon To The Face
- The poor man's way of getting a face lift...
Spoiled Brat Gets Books for Christmas
- Kid needs the white slapped off his face
Knocked Out Into Pond
- a strange fight between two black guy ends of with one...
Teenagers Getting High Off Nutmeg
- A common household spice is now being abused by...
Kids on Viral Videos
- Leave it up to a kid to give an honest opinion
Catholic Techno Party
- Frock the night away!
Riding the Vomit Comet
- Girl projectile vomits while riding the lollercoaster
Kids Show Their Skills In The Waiting Room
- The Welfare Office Waiting Room.
Jamie Oliver Nugget Fail
- America... FUCK YEAH!
Betty White's Biggest Fan
- When he's old enough to surf the web, he'll be...
Little Girl Freaks Out on Bike
- she only want to go FORWARDS!
Kid Breaks Leg And Bone Sticks Out After Trampoline...
- WARNING GRAPHIC: Kids all run screaming from the gym...
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