12 Myths About Christmas the World Won’t Let Go
- Deck the halls with boughs of folly
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False Truths People Somehow Still Believe
- As evident through our constant use of the phrase...
20 Common Facts That Are Total Nonsense
- We hear them all the time. Quips and factoids that...
You're Being Lied To: 22 Food Myths and Misconceptions...
- A collection of "facts" and common beliefs around food...
Small Town Tall Tales That You Have to Read to Believe
- Enter at your own peril past the town's door, where...
25 Commonly Accepted ‘Facts’ That Are Pure BS
- Humanity relies on data and information. Hence facts...
20 Survival Myths That Will Get You Killed
- 22 tips and tricks that go against the status quo
16 Historical Lies and Falsehoods People Still Believe
- The truth behind the biggest historical lies that are...
12 First-Aid Myths Debunked by Paramedics
- Some of these can actually lead to serious...
20 Common Myths a Ton of People Still Believe
- These common myths seem true because we've heard them...
13 Common Cooking Myths Get Debunked
- Common cooking mistakes can come from anywhere, such...
20 Common Misconceptions People Believe
- This will help you open your eyes.
10 Video Game Urban Legends That Were Actually True
- These tall tales were the real deal.
17 Lies Perpetuated by Hollywood
- Reality just doesn't look as cool on screen.
20 Widely-Accepted 'Facts' That Are Actually Myths
- Don't believe everything you hear.
14 Myths About COVID-19 Busted By the World Health...
- Basically, wash your hands, a lot.
15 Common Myths People Still Be Believing
- Simple myths and often false truths that people...
12 Hollywood Movie Myths Vs Actual Reality
- You don't need to be a Mythbuster to call bullsh*t on...
Musician Proves that 'Screaming' Takes Talent by...
- Testing the myth that screaming doesn't take any...
22 Randomly Awesome Facts To Increase Your Brain Mass
- A batch of interesting and obscure facts you may or...
19 Interesting Facts You Probably Didn't Know
- Fill your brain with some random bits of knowledge.
19 Fun Facts to Frantically Flip Through
- Feed your head hamster with these 19 trivial bits.
12 People Confess Weird Fetishes Their Partners Had
- People reveal the awkward fetishes of their sex...
9 Sports Myths You Need to Stop Believing
- You may be surprised.
14 Myths Most People Think Are True
- Nearly everyone believes these popular falsehoods.
Untrue Facts About Women You May Believe
- Women CAN get pregnant during their period, keep that...
Bill Nye On Poverty Myths
- Bill Nye drops some knowledge about poverty myths and...
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