Snowmobiler Is Buried By Avalanche, Quickly Saved
- While snowmobiling on the mountains, one rider caused...
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Mad Reporter
- Having a bad day?
Boy With Cat-Like Eyes Discovered in China
- A boy has stunned medics with his ability to see in...
Guy Makes Incredible Shot
- on the wrong basket.
Throwing a Banana at a Bear?!
- RIP banana.
Vermin Supreme: I Am A Meme
- Definitely, the most entertaining campaign video so...
That Was Not a Countdown!
- Hilarious slingshot ride reaction. RIP Headphone...
Hawaiin Boy Catches Strange Fish
- Straight from another dimension.
Old Man Tries Smoking Weed
- Larry tries his first bowl of weed. Hilarity ensues.
Matt Damon is Smart
- Matt Damon take seconds to dismantle reporters...
25 Pound Emerald Found In Brazil
- largest cut emerald in the world estimated value over...
Wrestling Back Flip
- Freshman Greg Sanders from San Antonio, Texas...
Don't Mess With Zebras!
Jeb Corliss Crashes!
- He plummeted more than 200 feet in his wingsuit, and...
Anchorwoman Freaks Out Over Spider
- Wait for it.
Autistic Girl Expresses Unimaginable Intelligence
- Amazing video which proves autism is not what most...
Slot Car Racing Has Evolved!
- Those are some fast cars.
Riders Are Awesome 2011
- Sh*t just got real...!!!
Sh*t Nobody Says
- Phrases you will often never hear.
Bicycling Fail During Live News
- Bicyclist takes a tumble during a live new cast. The...
This is How They Serve Ice Cream in Dubai
- Serving ice cream like a boss in Dubai.
The Page Turner
- Rube goldberg machine used to open front page of...
A Terrifying Bungee Jump Accident
- A 22-year-old Australian woman cheats death after her...
Pro-bowler Fail
- The ball gets stuck in Josh Blanchards fingers and he...
Judge Napolitano: What If They're Lying To You About...
- What if You Could See Through the Bullshit?
We The People
- Please spread this! I worked hard putting it together,...
Giant Footprint - 200 Million Years Old Found
- This giant footprint is located in South Africa. The...
Hockey Post Game Interview of the Year
- Wait did they win?
Baby Cockatiel's First 30 Days
- Amazing Footage!
Censorship of Ron Paul Supporter
- CNN censorship of soldier supporting Ron Paul?
Ancient Aliens Giorgio Tsoukalos Goes Deep.
Walking Upside Down Under Ice
- Mind blown.
Reporter Loses It On Live TV
- Well deserved punch.
Stay Classy Ladies
- Girl is surprised when lighting her fart and it...
Vending Machine Win
- Amazing vending machine Luck.
eBaum's Picks