Christmas Classic: Francis Gets An Early Christmas...
- Your Christmas presents will NEVER make you this...
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WTF Korea!
75 Years in Prison For Videotaping Police
- Police State USA
Dubstep Juggling Live
- 21st century juggling
Wtf Japan
- A japanese instrument called a OtamaTone
Fox News Asks Silly Questions To Ron Paul
- Ron Paul brilliantly shuts down stupid questions from...
The Candyman Has It Figured Out
- You have to do what you got to do.
Death Metal Dog Attack Vic
- He is also lead singer in a death metal band.
Largest Legal Cannabis Retailer In The World
- Welcome to the world's largest legal cannabis retailer...
Kid With Inverted Knees...
- This is bananas!
Mall Santa Gets Stuck Rappelling From Ceiling
- This internet classic features everything we love in a...
Hidden Camera Prank Cranky Dad
- 4 year old sets up a hidden camera prank on her dad
- MICLICs clears minefields of IEDs in Afghanistan
Gangs Taking Their Violence Online Via Twitter
- You record the whole thang?
Fat Guy Bayonet's Expensive TV on Livestream
- "Oh Shiz.... I just f'd up"
Epic Beer Pong Table
- Ultimate bro table....
Homeless: Interview with a 50 Year Old Homeless Man
- This Guy, is hard core
News Anchor Fail Compilation 2011
- Funny News Anchor Fails
Reporter Tells Fat Kid To Stop Waving
- Holiday cheer turns sour for one fat kid on LIVE TV.
Corvette Racing Fail
- Yup saw that one coming
The Bicycle Animation
- Real time Live animation' using paper and bike wheels.
Welcome To The Future AWESOME
- EXOdesk is part of a new products line to be build by...
Beer In Space
- Natty Light officially becomes The First Beer In Space.
An Irishman on Women
- "she's up and down like a fiddler's elbow.."
82 Year Old Grandma Tries Pop Rocks For the First Time
- A mind blowing experience!
- What can cat videos do for your business?
Epic Javelin Missile In Afghanistan!
- Damn budget cuts
Disappearing Spoon Trick
- What is going on here?
Willian Shatner in "Eat-Fry-Love"
- A Turkey Fryer Fire Cautionary Tale. HAVE A SAFE AND...
Prankster Scares The Crap Out Of A Reporter Live
- The look on the lady's face is priceless when she is...
Blonde and Oil Fire Fail
- Stupid blonde thinks a bottle of water will stop an...
Reporter Signs Off In A Very Unique Way
- This lady doesn't give a hoot.
Guy Pulls Off a Smooth Kiss Prank at Hooters
- Guy sneaks a kiss with unsuspecting hooters girls.
Coon Skin Cap Man Tells All
- "...like Dale Jr..."
Everything Is A Remix: Kill Bill
- A look at Quentin Tarantino's movie "Kill Bill" and...
Euler's Disk
- A energy transfer toy in action!
Rick Perry Absolutely Blows It
- complete fail..forgot his lines on live tv.
Teens Using Vodka Soaked Tampons To Get Drunk
- WTF really?
Cops Beat Up Man After He Finds Out His Son Committed...
- Police brutality.
Man Spinning around Really Fast
- The Man is Spinning really fast and make him very...
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