The 21 Strangest and Funniest Moments from the Oscars
- Shrek's publicist left him right when he needed her...
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Ke Huy Quan Collected His First Oscar and 27 Selfies...
- After nearly a decade of mediocrity and Ellen...
Oscar-Winner James Martin Worked His Shift at...
- Actor James Martin is a busy man.
Lady Gaga Giving a Cameraman the Death Glare Is the...
- Despite these differing theories — You’ve got some...
Jamie Lee Curtis *Definitely* Wasn't Arguing With...
- This is absolutely a photo of a very calm interaction.
'Why Can’t My Dreams Come True?': Austin Butler Gets...
- Elvis seemed to be a favorite going into last night's...
Brendan Fraser Deservedly Receives 6-Minute Standing...
- Too wholesome. Brendan Fraser is all the way back!
The Internet Can't Help But Make Fun of Amy Schumer
- The question isn't whether Amy Schumer is funny or...
Unearthed Clip Shows Will Smith Was Sick of Jada a...
- An old and cringe-inducing clip has resurfaced that...
New Angle Shows Jada Pinkett Smith Laughing at Chris...
- A new video, taken from within the audience at the...
Rebel Wilson's Joke About Will and Jada Was Way More...
- Rebel Wilson gets a sweet jab in on Jada and Will at...
Flash Star Ezra Miller Arrested, Seems Like A Bad...
- He yelled at karaoke singers in a karaoke bar
31 Will Smith Memes for When a Comedian Literally Does...
- Well that was an eventful Academy Awards.
Top 5 Brutal Celebrity Roasts at Award Shows
- The most savage hosts in award show history.
Celebrity Reactions to the Oscars Slap
- The moment will go down as not only the most infamous...
Will Smith Slaps Chris Rock, Says He's Being Called to...
- Chris Rock got slapped by none other than Will Smith...
The Internet is Not Happy About Amy Schumer Hosting...
- Viewership for the Oscars has declined in recent...
Supercut of Willem Dafoe in 'The Boondock Saints' Is...
- It's clear that director Troy Duffy said "action" and...
BlazeTv Host Gets Triggered By Parasite Director Bong...
- This is it, the destruction of America is finally upon...
Adam Sandler Vows to Make the Worst Movie Ever to...
- The Sandman has vowed to make the world's worst movie...
Joker Leads Oscar Nominations With 11 and People Are...
- One year after 'Black Panther' took the Oscar's by...
Every Oscar Winner For Best Visual Effects From...
- A long history of visual effects summed up in under 15...
Guy Rants About How Stupid The Oscars Are On Live TV
Epic Fail: Wrong Winners Announced For Best Picture At...
- Warren Beatty has a Steve Harvey moment during the ...
Top 10 Most Overrated Best Picture Winners
- These might have been ok at the time, but most of...
Chris Rock's Oscar Monologue Was Both Hilarious And...
- He didn't hold back in confronting the controversy...
Leonardo DiCaprio's Oscar Acceptance Speech
- In case you missed it, here's Leo accepting an award...
Well Said Ice Cube, Well Said
- Ice Cube on boycotting the Oscars.
Behind The Scenes: Epic Oscar Speech
- TV truck footage of Cuba Gooding Jr's 1996 Oscar...
The Dictator
- Sacha Baron Cohen The Dictator Spills Kim Jong Il...
Creators Of South Park Take Acid Before The Oscars
- Now you know how they come up with ideas for the show
The Art of the Oscargasm
- I'll have what they're having.
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