A Glitch in the Matrix? Trippy Video of Passenger Jet...
- While driving this girl filmed a plane coming in for a...
Media videos
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Pot and Table Spinning Extraordinaire Has a Very Cool,...
- This is Li Wei Yang from Taiwan, and she has an...
This Mind Boggling Illusion is Destroying Everybody's...
- This mind boggling illusion is blowing everybody's...
‘This Land Is Kirkland, This Land Is My Land’:...
- A real estate company in South Los Angeles is planning...
Budweiser Pulls Out All the Stops For Guy Who Won a...
- Arriving with a police escort, and pulled by the...
Mission: Impossible Raccoon Is Just Like Tom Cruise...
- This Mission: Impossible raccoon set to the James Bond...
Inmate Breaks Down How Prison Guards Make Money...
- This inmate breaks down how the correctional officers...
How to Survive a Falling Elevator, and Other Things
- The TikTok channel "How to Survive" teaches us how to...
Beaver Bailey the Four-Fingered, Moonshine-Making,...
- Thanks to documentarian Mark Laita and his interview...
'He Didn't Toggle': Real-Life Rocket League Is Kind of...
- Rocket League has been a fan favorite game ever since...
Guy Downs Beer With no Hands While Shredding Guitar...
- This legendary dude chugs a beer with no hands while...
Tiny Tuna Crabs Meet A Human For The First Time
- These little guys are curious, cute, and creepy, all...
This 'Splash' Painting Turns into Something Incredible
- What appears to be an abstract painting made by...
Art Basel ATM Ranks People by Their Account Balances
- That's gonna be a hard pass for me. Unless y'all wanna...
Guy Puts Austin Powers in Mass Effect, and It's...
- Does that make you horny baby?
VFX Artist Dad Turns His Son’s Life Into an Action...
- These look better than a lot of movies nowadays.
Epic Twitch Stream Features Man Wielding a Fire Sword
- If you're creating content on the internet these days,...
German Football Fans Sing 'Country Roads' Better than...
- Munich made history this weekend hosting the first...
Coby of Dude Perfect Goes to Space
- From lift off to re-entry and landing, Cody joins the...
The A-10 Thunderbolt II Is a Badass Aircraft that...
- Known in the industry as The Fairchild Republic A-10...
British Lads Drink Pints For Charity and Turn Their...
- Movember fundraisers are up and running. Lest we...
Internet Hero Buries a Bag of Hot Cheetos Inside a...
- Tell me you have too much time on your hands without...
Guy is Mind-Blown After Eating a Burger for the First...
- Not too often your first burger comes as an adult.
How to Use Your PTO Days to Maximize Vacation Time
- Turn Your PTO Into 46 Glorious Days Off
1920s Hero Saves Pilot by Swapping Planes and...
- Gladys Ingle apparently made over 300 mid-air...
The Dominos Hack to Ensure You Get Free Pizza For Life
- But you better be hungry!
The U.S. Finally Reveals its 6th Generation Fighter...
- Throughout the last century, the nation with the most...
Guy Pretending to Be Food Critic Has Cracked the...
- Taking a notebook to a restaurant might be the new...
100 Year Old Vet Goes to Disneyland For the Greatest...
- "I'll remember this day for a long time."
The Best Slow Mo ever? Bowling Ball vs Giant Balloon
- In an extremely satisfying clip, this guy hurls a...
Life-sized Hot Wheels Loop-de-loop is a Childhood...
- They do the loopdy-loop!
Limbo Artist Has Usher Shook with Impressive Routine
- Usher's birthday included a professional limbo artist....
Top 6 Most Disrespectful Call of Duty Kill Cams
- Absolute disregard for civility.
See How Deep The Ocean Really Is
- Spoiler: It goes down pretty far.
Rick Winters’ 172 ft. World Record High Dive Still...
- This is insanity.
The World's Biggest Swing Would Make Any Man Poop His...
- Did they really have to put this thing right next to a...
This Video Is the Only Way You'll Ever Be Able to...
- This is some freaky stuff.
Awesome Old School Inventions That We Need to Give...
- Some of these make a lot of sense.
This 400ft Tall Halloween Drone Light Show Is Truly...
- Every show blows my mind. The work that goes into...
Take a Tour of the Moon in 4K High Definition
- Courtesy of Nasa's Lunar Recon Orbiter.
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