Popcorn Maestro Expertly Crafts Two Buckets of Movie...
- The “unskilled labor” crowd has been real silent...
Media videos
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No Has Ever Looked as Cool Shooting a Gun as This Guy
- Solidifying his place as one of the coolest dudes...
Deion Sanders’ Backyard Is Next Level
- And apparently, it’s only gotten bigger.
Here’s How Long It Would Take to Fill the Grand...
- It’s longer than you’d think!
School Bus Caught Hitting Snow Bank Like a Jump
- More exciting than any bus ride *I’ve* ever had.
Woman Shows Off Everything She’s Stolen From...
- Sometimes you gotta take a little something extra with...
The World's Largest Water Tasting Competition Is...
- I’m going to guess it all tasted like water.
This ‘Chiropractic Clinic’ Really Looks Like a...
- Is this helping? Hurting? I have no idea.
Watch a Man Turn Himself Into a Helicopter Using Power...
- Look at him go!
This Riding Lawn Mower Demolition Derby Will...
- From mowing the grass to mowing down your opponents.
Weed Farm Burns Down, Gives Everyone in the Area a...
- Look at those smiles!
Big-Mouthed Dude Is the Master of Mouth Ping-Pong...
- A different kind of “ping pong show.”
Nunchuck Master Juggles Ping Pong Balls Like...
- He’s really going for it!
Artist Recreates Classic Movies with PS1 Graphics
- From The Shining to Fight Club and more!
Man Demolishes His House in Most Epic Way Possible
- Beats just hitting the thing with a hammer.
Congrats to This Man for Making the World’s Largest...
- I don’t know if you’ve seen the news today, but...
Tickle Me Elmo Loses His Mind as He’s Charged With...
- That’s not a tickle, that’s an electric shock!
Guinness Book of World Records Runs Out of Ideas, Has...
- Are there really no more records we can break?
‘Slinky Josh’ Is Way Too Good at Slinkys
- He’s definitely the best person I’ve ever seen use...
Tokyo's "Underground Flood Temple" is the Real Life...
- Japan, unlike some countries that will go unnamed, is...
Inside the Tallest Underground Slide in the World
- This slide allows you to hit speeds of around 15 miles...
Watch a Man Disarm a Gun in 0.8 Seconds
- This man has spent his life developing a skill he’ll...
Police Boat Capsizes After Getting Clothes-Lined by...
- Bet you never thought you’d see a boat do a backflip!
Can't Let the Dunks Get Wet: Dude Walks on His Hands...
- When you drop a lot of cash on a new pair of kicks,...
M134 Minigun Rips Car to Shreds, Fires 6000 Rounds per...
- The M134 Minigun is a six-barrel rotary machine gun...
Trailer Breakdown: 50 Things You May Have Missed in...
- Thanks to the Youtube channel TGG, here's a...
The Doomed Brazilian Priest Who Thought He Could...
- At least the truck drivers got their rest stops.
1943 Footage Shows Japanese War Planes Shot Down Over...
- This footage likely comes from either the U.S.S....
Dude Sacrifices a June Bug to a Spider's Web to Watch...
- When a dude decided he wanted to see an Eriophora...
Garbage Can Explodes After Being Hit By the Subway
- "I don't know what I expected but it wasn't that,"...
Guy Films His Shaking Elation After Discovering “The...
- He sold the card to Post Malone, who is a renowned...
Elderly Man Insists On Using Cash at Cashless Grocery...
- "I’m with the old folks on this one," @SubToOptimus...
This Guy’s Reaction to a Dog Mowing a Lawn Is...
- "When you have your wife on the phone going through a...
Woman Pulls off the "Impossible Cuff Escape" Like a Pro
- I watched this video 12 times and still cannot figure...
Forget Actors and Writers, Stunt Workers Do Striking...
- Nobody does striking like the stunt men.
Guy Spends 30 Days Building Lego City to Flood it With...
- Are you a tiny Lego person living in a...
Former Inmate Describes Prison Gangs, Running Drugs,...
- Do you have what it takes to survive behind bars?
Everyone Is Begging to Be in Netflix's New Zombie...
- Everyone has fantasized about what they would do in a...
‘He Just Wanted Some Friends’: People Raised 40k...
- "He said he needed a friend, not 40 thousand dollars."
Highlights From The 2023 Alaskan Car Launch Competition
- What's more American than taking a bunch of old beater...
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