Man's Self Driving Taxi Decides to Quit Mid-Ride
- "If this was my first ride, I would never use them...
Media videos
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Florida Murderer Elbows His Attorney in the Face...
- Somehow, I don't think his legal council was to blame...
Grindset Bros Have Discovered Yet Another Free Money...
- Looks like the grindset community will need to figure...
Girls Out for a Nice Boat Ride Unexpected Lose Their...
- This is the hilarious moment a motor suddenly snapped...
Tech Support Worker Shares His Worst "Boomer Caller"...
- If the older generations were to magically disappear,...
Former VFX Worker on 'The Flash' Explains Why Its CGI...
- "Movie studios don't care about good cgi," No The...
Son Plays 'Robber Prank' On His Mom and Unleashes Her...
- "Looks like she just robbed you."
'Slay!': Hot Mic Catches the One Phrase You Don't Want...
- Slaying: It means something different when anchors say...
Officer Pulled Over For Going ‘80 in a 45’ Refuses...
- "They literally think they're above the law."
'Ratchet' Menu Items To Avoid Ordering On Dates,...
- Wondering what not to order on your next date? Steer...
Karen Thinks Man Idling in His Tesla is Polluting the...
- Karens hate it when people just sit in their cars.
The Greatest Same Shirt Prank of All Time: Over 40...
- "I seriously had no idea how many men don't dress...
Woman Who Tried to Hire a Hitman To Kill Her Husband...
- A close friend of the husband who discovered she...
The Top of Mount Everest is Actually a Garbage-Filled...
- "The Tallest landfill on Earth."
The $100 'Best Steak in the World' is a Teeny-Tiny...
- From now on, how about we put a minimum size...
Car Launches off Tow Truck Ramp Due To a Distracted...
- Bodycam footage captures the moment a distracted...
‘It Becomes a Bomb’: Company Refuses to Issue...
- Investigators say some airbags that are supposed to...
Elon's Cybertruck Got Stuck in the Mud and Needed to...
- Elon Musk's Cybertruck has been teased as the world's...
'Post Concert Depression': Jet-Setting Taylor Fans...
- You're not allowed to throw a pity party on a private...
'Try That in Texas': Kids are Walking Into Random...
- "They’d be picking up their teeth and AirPods with...
Military Cosplayers Get Called Out By Real Airmen for...
- TikTok influencers will do just about anything for...
LAPD Volunteer Officer Responds to Bee Swarm, Gets...
- "Family is asking please not to send flowers,"...
Power Tripping Cops Threaten Man With Arrest If He...
- "You come back, you're going to be arrested for...
'Is It ALL Going in the Trash?': Walmart Employee...
- No matter who's at fault, these obscene levels of food...
Clueless Weightlifter Nearly Decapitates Himself
- When you don't know what you're doing in the gym and...
Clueless Lady Tries to Fill Up Her Tesla's...
- Ma'am that car takes electricity not gasoline!
Soulless Star Wars Fans Shamelessly Attack Mark Hamill...
- Mark Hamill had just finished giving a speech for...
Student Pepper Sprays Teacher after He Confiscated Her...
- Last Friday, a student at Antioch High School in...
Hawaii Tourists Drive into a Lake 'The Office' Style...
- The driver and her passenger were searching for a...
Gymfluencer Films Herself Getting Folded Like a...
- I can't tell if it was an equipment malfunction or...
Dude Playing With Firecrackers Accidentally Sets His...
- "Don't play with fire if you're not willing to get...
'Narrowly Escaped With His Life': Car Crashes into...
- A traffic stop nearly turned deadly for an officer...
"You're Looking at Other Women" - Irate Wife Smashes...
- Emotions boil over during a flight when a couple's...
'Proud to Not Be an Oilers Fan': Oilers Fans Riot and...
- "Did we not learn anything from Astroworld?"
Bicycle Cops in Training Struggle to Ride Around Some...
- Modern day police are known more for their donut...
‘I’m Allowed To Be Here’: Men Fishing Get Shot...
- "Calm down Gary!" Fishing is supposed to be a nice...
'Dumb and Dumber' - Fake Gun and Failed Home Invasion
- A Connecticut homeowner answered his door on April 14...
Woman Defends Her Husband For Watching Football While...
- Earlier this week, TikToker @amber_louisetilley...
Millennial Pressures Builders to Come Fix His Shoddy...
- After noticing some serious issues with his D.R Horton...
Cop and Self-Driving Taxi Have the Dumbest Standoff in...
- The world's dumbest man vs. machine shows that self...
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