People Are Breaking A.I. Drive-Thrus With Ridiculous...
- And they’re going to keep doing it until they rehire...
Media videos
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Woman Freaks Out After Being Offered a Free Gyro
- What’s wrong with a little free food?
Turns Out You Can Get a VIP Table at Popeyes
- For those times when you want to ball out but you’re...
Americans Are Worried That China Is Winning the Burger...
- They can beat us with technology, but we can’t let...
Watch This Russian Dude Cook Dinner in Minus 55 Degrees
- Hope you like your food cold!
‘Tapeworms Are the New Ozempic,’ Declare Those on...
- Unfortunately, these people are still with us in 2025.
Man Makes Monster Burrito Out of Hundreds of Other...
- It’s burritos all the way down.
Woman Makes Sourdough on Flight for Some Reason
- During COVID, lots of people got into baking bread.
Uber Eats Driver Gets Into an Accident, Still Makes...
- Rain, wind, snow, or car accident, this guy is going...
Australian Teen’s New Side Hustle is Importing...
- Crumbl Cookies are popular in the United States for...
Dude Calls Out Grocery Store For Selling Him ‘Fake...
- Lettuce and cabbage, though similar on the surface,...
Dad Freaks Out After Realizing Someone Messed Up His...
- A man’s home is his castle — and who in their...
Watching Korean Dudes Make Octopus Balls is Incredibly...
- Eating a smart creature should require an equally...
Strongman Cracks Coconuts With His Head, Pours...
- I mean, I like coconut water, but is it really worth...
Woman Takes Watermelon To Her Melon
- While there are certainly more efficient ways to split...
This Might Be The Most Cursed Burger Ever
- Before you ask, no, this isn’t a conspiracy theory,...
New York’s Former Mayor Filmed Himself Pouring...
- Someone explain to me what’s going on here.
Restaurant Owner Calls Out Brits for Trying to Trying...
- American BBQ is supposed to be eaten by hand off a...
Japan Got a Costco, and It’s Way Better Than Ours
- The urge to become a weeb grows stronger every day.
World Record Carrot Eating is Not Fun to Watch
- I don’t care if this man is serious or not — I...
‘Carnivore Dieters’ Really Need to Stop Eating Raw...
- I get that you guys want to eat raw meat all the time,...
This ‘Cinnamon Roll Sloppy Joe With Bacon’ Is an...
- Let me lay it out for you: It’s a sloppy joe with...
A Delivery Robot Will Now Bring Your Waffle Fries...
- Have you ever wanted Chick-fil-A, but felt a little...
Watch This Norwegian Man Guzzle Down Three Hot Dogs...
- I don’t want to know how he learned he could do this.
Man Turns Hibachi Dinner Into BYOT (Bring Your Own...
- The only thing better than BYOB? BYOT — a lesson one...
Bartender Sets Girls On Fire With Flaming Drink Spray
- "That's called a Flaming Moe," MapRevolutionary4563...
'It's Great for Hormones': Influencer is Encouraging...
- "Tide Pod challenge walked so this could run."
Woman Stuffs Herself with a 96 oz Steak (6 lbs.) in...
- Watch as this beautiful brunette takes on the Giant...
Dude Shows Just How Much Food Walmart Throws Out When...
- The whole thing stinks.
‘You Got Lamb Chops, You Got Steak!’ Guy Refuses...
- “Let’s split the bill.” No thanks.
"Stir-fried Stones" Are the Hottest New Food Trend In...
- The whole point of what people are calling the...
The 'Snackle Box' Food Trend Is a Great Reminder to...
- Food trends on the internet are always delightfully...
The $100 'Best Steak in the World' is a Teeny-Tiny...
- From now on, how about we put a minimum size...
'Is It ALL Going in the Trash?': Walmart Employee...
- No matter who's at fault, these obscene levels of food...
‘That’s Hamster Food’: Is Netherland’s Butter...
- TikTok is having a field day roasting this...
'Raccoon Drive-Thru': Raccoons Rate Their Favorite...
- The standout dishes were grapes, eggs, and cat food.
A.I. Is Back At It: 'Pizza Nuggets' Ad That is Pure...
- AI art, films, and commercials have been all the rage...
Woman Makes a Chicken Farm From Fertilized Trader...
- "This video may have just solved the egg shortage...
'Buy 1 Get 5 Free': People Celebrate Self-Checkout...
- "He saved like $10, who cares."
'Uncooked and a Piece of Paper': Guy Reviews...
- "Not only was I scared for my life the entire time, my...
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