Ruthless Dad Tricks His Son Into Picking Up A Fresh...
- His plan was fool proof but what he didn't expect was...
Media videos
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Gordon Ramsey Owns His Guest With A Terrifying Blender...
- Chef Ramsay pulls a fast one that even the audience...
Prankster's Wife Finally Gets Some Sweet Revenge!
- A great April Fools Day prank idea!
Michael Caine Calls A BLM Podcast And Is A Full Blown...
- What starts out as a funny prank turns into a...
Flair Bartending: This Bottle Cap Bar Trick Is Like...
- Are you a bartender, or a wizard?!
Dude Loses His Shit When They Put A Tarantula On His...
- Jay gets a little taste of his own medicine. Who knew...
Guy Pretends To Be A Kid And Calls In Sick To School
- Even the folks on the other end of the line got a good...
Dude Scared of Fireworks Gets Owned By Friends
- It's a good thing he didn't actually get it lit!
Busty Client Causes Major Problems For Tattoo Artist
- A sudden burst of excitement this guy wasn't ready for!
The 'Pussy Slap' Girls Take Their Prank War To A Whole...
- Friends who prank together stay together.
Guy Pretends To Be A Hitman Around Strangers In Public
- What a nice guy, instilling fear and outrage in...
Magician Trolls People With Invisible Chair Prank
- A little bit of magic in everyday life.
Guy Sleeping Has His Eyebrows Removed By Pranskter...
- We all have that one friend who just plays too damn...
Tom Mabe's Bait Phone Will Shock The Sh*t Out Of You!
- Tom Mabe gives some would-be phone thieves a shocking...
"Rings" Prank Sends People At An Electronics Store...
- First you watch it, then you die.
How To Get Rid Of Your Daughter's Boyfriend
- A hilarious prank that will take care of that pesky...
"This Is How You Eat A Big Mac..."
- This guy wants to show you the proper way to eat a Big...
Guy Pranks His Dad In A Very Funny Way
- "You tore your whole house apart!"
Guy Brings A 2008 Flatscreen TV To Antiques Roadshow
- A prankster receives an unexpected reaction from a...
Kid Has Awesome Reaction To Winning Fake Lotto Ticket
- Dad got him good!
Dad Pranks His Daughter Claiming That He Recorded...
- A little bit of video editing and fabrication was...
The Very Real Dangers Of Sleeping In A Wood Shop
- Pay attention so this doesn't happen to you!
Guy Waiting For His Boiling Water Is Trolled By His...
- Wait for it...
Tinder Date Gone Extremely Wrong, Dude Pees His Pants!
- When you meet a complete stranger from a hook-up app,...
Deranged Girl Sets Fireworks Off While Boyfriend Is...
- This is a quick way to get dumped and possibly charged...
Guy Trolls His Dad With An Epic Car Accident Prank
- Dad flips the hell out after his son tells him he...
Girl Tries To Prank Her Father And Gets Owned
- You don't think I watch internet?
Tinder Date Turns Out to be a Prostitute and Gets...
- I was just trying to film a funny video, but this girl...
Guy Uses His Girlfriend’s Ex As Bait To See If She...
- This dude does not get the results he was hoping for.
This Alien Abduction Prank Is Absolutely Terrifying
- This incredibly elaborate prank was pulled off down in...
The Scary Snowman Terrorizes Porn Star Harley Dean
- With a nose like that who needs a man?
Crazy Ex Girlfriend Shows Up During Tinder Date
- These girls think shit is about to hit the fan when...
Halloween Prank on Plumber Goes Wrong
- A chainsaw prank on a plumber doesn't go as planned.
2 Pranksters Pretend To Be Pro Golfers And Play In A...
- These two guys, who are NOT great at golf, found...
Scary Snowman Horrifies Salem Halloween 2016
- He's back and wreaking havoc in Salem Massachusetts!
Evil Clown Prank Goes Wrong When Dude Pulls A Gun
- This is the last time these kids will pull this shit...
Girl Can't Resist Hit And Run On Dunk Tank
- She see's an opportunity and she takes it. It's like...
These Guys Are Fed Up With Cop Cars Blocking The Road
- Parked cop car, blocking roadway, isn't going to stop...
Creepy Clown Prank Backfires When Man Pulls Gun
- A prank backfires when a man in a clown costume gets a...
Prankster Trolls Target By Playing Porn Audio Over...
- There's a fun little trick where you can ask to be...
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