Maisie Williams Surprises "Game of Thrones" Fans at a...
- "Where do I know you from? Tinder?"
Media videos
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Burger King Employees Smash Windows Due To Prank Call
- Burgers, fries and a side of trollslaw.
People React to Fake Book Covers on the Subway
- Comedian Scott Rogowsky “reading” some ridiculous...
Shower Prank On Wife (Gone Sexual)
- How would you react?
Google Introduces The Self Driving Bicycle
- Google is introducing the self-driving bicycle in...
The Strongest Man in the World Has Started His Own...
- HeavyBubbles: Sparkling water that makes you sweat.
4 Easy Pranks Perfect For April Fools' Day
- Try these out on your friends!
Severed Head Prank To Scare Your Friends
- This easy prank works awesome!
Batman Shows Up in Lamborghini To Prank Uber Passengers
- The Dark Knight is just trying to make some side cash.
Bait Phone Gives Thieves A Shocking Surprise
- Tom Mabe rigs a smartphone with a remote control taser...
Exploding Bait Purse Prank
- Thieves steal a purse loaded with dye packs.
Sleepy Monkey Goes Ape Sh*t On Dude For Waking Him
- Cute monkey yells at jerk for waking him up.
Chucky Kills Dad Prank
- Epic parents troll daughter with killer Chucky doll...
Coming Out To Girlfriend Prank Goes Very Wrong
- She threw his masculinity under the bus, I give them...
WTF Public Bomb Scare Prank
- You almost shit your pants? Here have a donut.
How To Scare The Crap Out Of Your Coworker
- Also known as how to lose a friend.
Unexpected Love On The Escalator Prank
- What would you do if a stranger grabbed your hand and...
How To OWN A Gold Digger Like A Boss
- This woman shows her true colors once money is...
Fishing For Cops With Donuts
- We went fishing for one of the most dangerous animals...
Mortar Prank Damn Near Gives This Guy A Heart Attack
- Meanwhile in Syria...
Cheating Husband Ambushed by Wife & Best Friend
- Husband caught messing around.
Guy Pranks Girlfriend with Fake Valentine's Day...
- That's pretty harsh, he may be sleeping on the couch...
Calling Out People Who Text And Drive
- Put your damn phone down and drive or get the hell off...
Two Guys Troll Girls With "The Camel Toe" Prank
- Hey that's a nice looking camel toe!
Exposing Gold Diggers With A BMW-I8
- We used a BMW to catch gold diggers for our prank,...
Pranksters Cross The Line In This 'Dog Licking Balls'...
- "Does your dog like peanut butter? " . . "Don't touch...
Pretending To Work At Target
- We dressed up like Target employees and pretend to...
Exploding Airbag Bait-Bike Prank
- Bicycle thieves find out why this bike is a real pain...
This Hoverboard Bait Prank Will Warm Your Heart
- These people go down hard.
He's Not Winning The Father Of The Year Award
- Leave that poor girl alone!
Shampooing Girls Hair Prank
- What a genius way to meet chi... I mean clever prank!
Drug Bust Prank With Wu-Tang Clan
- NELK and Ghostface pull off an epic drug bust prank!
Electric Bait Bike Prank In the Hood
- Bike thieves get a shocking surprise.
82 Year Old Granny Plays "Ding-Dong Ditch"
- Growing old might be a force of nature, but growing up...
Exposing Fake Pranks On Youtube
- Some dead giveaways on why these videos may be fake.
Son Waits 8 Years For Xmas Revenge On Dad For Fake...
- Son recreates prank that his father pulled on him 8...
Guy Cuts Arm Off at Restaurant
- Andy Gross aka SplitMan disguised as a chef cuts his...
He Had The Shot, And He Took It
- And the that's what friends are for.
Wannabe Troll Picks The Wrong Reporter For FHRITP Prank
- A local reporter delivers a sick burn to an attempted...
Killing Your Best Friend "Prank"
- A brutal and terrifying prank that has stirred up a...
eBaum's Picks