Horny Mother on a Date Steals a Comedy Show
- A heckler started hitting on the comedian onstage in...
Media videos
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Dude's Superman Dive Makes for an Intense Finish
- A track star with the awesome name "Infinite Tucker"...
Bear Finishes His Fight Versus a Massive Moose
- WARNING: Disturbing Nature That’s a lot of moose...
Tesla Model 3 Has A Pretty Shocking Design Flaw
- You'd think they would have thought of that?
The Insane Basketball Ending You Might Have Missed
- Kawhi Leonard's INSANE last-second shot sent the...
This Barber Gives A Full Service Haircut
- They get a little something extra with their haircut.
Drunk Idiot Decides To Fight Bar Security And Regrets...
- Go home bro, you're drunk!
Cop Fired Over Killing Man With 76 Shots From Moving...
- It was insane watching this officer and his partner...
Beautiful Footage of a Massive Great White Shark...
- Andy Brandy is an Emmy-award-winning nature...
Spider-Man Appeared on Court to Ruin a Basketball Game
- He's far from home. A man dressed as Spider-Man ran...
Cop Tries to Arrest the Wrong Guy With Dreds
- Whoopsie. A Texas cop with a warrant from another...
Cop Tries to Arrest the Wrong Guy With Dreds
- Whoopsie. A Texas cop with a warrant from another...
This is Just How Bad 'Game of Thrones' Writing Has...
- SPOILERS: I hate to be the one to tell you this, but...
This Is Why You Never Challenge A Bull
- What did you think was going to happen?
Report on Denny's Health Code Violations Ends in...
- A reporter showed up at a local Denny's to ask about...
Amazon Delivery Driver Scams the System
- Check your porch cameras.
The Worst Shark Tank Demo Of All Time
- The Shark's can't contain their laughter.
Amazing Before & After VFX Breakdown For Avengers:...
- Check out what it takes to make all those insane...
Someone Put a Babydoll on a Greyhound and It's Pure...
- Who did this?
Girl Tries to Prank Her Cat, Cat Gets Pissed and Beats...
- Why would you prank a cat? Why? It is, I repeat, never...
Old People React To Mortal Kombat 11 Fatalities
- You can watch the joy fade from their eyes.
Dude Has a Strange Interaction with a Deer
- He just likes having his antlers jiggled.
Son Traumatized By His Dad's Polygamist Lifestyle
- And it goes about as well as you'd imagine.
Katy Perry Scratches An Itch and Takes A Sniff
- In all honesty, I'd probably do the same thing.
Woman Wont Trade Insurance Info After Hitting Car
- She hits him with a car, with her phone, with her...
Woman Trashes Convenience Store, Gets Threatened &...
- This crazy girl got super nasty with it when she...
Entitled Woman Throws a Temper Tantrum
- Here's a grown-ass woman throwing a temper tantrum.
Getting Kids All Riled Up For Pizza and then Leaving
- Damn, that's messed up! One thing you don't do... is...
Hacked Lime Scooter is a Hilarious Prank
- The app-based scooter was hacked to mess with people...
Drunk Dude Jumps Off a Bridge and Lands in a Boat
- Partiers often meet up and mingle atop the Ebisubashi...
Old Woman Tells Lady to Cover Up Due to Cold Weather
- This conversation goes off the tracks.
Little Girl's Attack Bird Swoops at Anyone She Desires
- Don't piss her off.
Wife Gets Angry When Her Husband Gets Distracted
- Skate or die! This guy just wanted to pop some ollies...
Dude Mercilessly Trolls PD Live on Television
- Dude ruthlessly trolls the Live PD television show.
Guy Trying To Dive Into Water Dives Into Concrete
- The man tries to jump over some railing to get into...
Idiot Moves Table as a Prank and Nearly Kills a Man
- This moron is lucky his "prank" during a table jumping...
Pot Farmer Narrowly Escapes From SWAT Team During Grow...
- A quick thinking pot farmer manages to hide from the...
Tesla Model S Totals Itself
- Tesla sent investigators to the scene. So far they've...
Rooftop Swimming Pool Emptying During Earthquake In...
- This 5.7 earthquake occurred on April 22, 2019. This...
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