Woman Freaks Out When She Realizes She Is Riding the...
- Ben Stiller rides the subway like everyone else.
Media videos
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Marine Gets a Bayonet to the Foot and Keeps Doing His...
- Imagine taking a bayonet to the foot and having to...
Street Preacher Freakout Will Make You Question His...
- Somehow his shirt stayed tucked in the whole time.
Amazon's "Mothership" Renders the Future Before Your...
- A Japanese renderer created a scary vision of the...
Gun-Wielding Boy Freaks Out When He Learns He's...
- This baby reveal went wrong.
Dude Learns a Quick Lesson About Road Rage
- An amped up bro meets his match on the road.
Ford SUV is No Match for a Patch of Grass
- Everything is fine.
Alex Jones Crashed A Beto O'Rourke Rally
- Alex Jones decides to take some time out of his busy...
Angry Woman Claims Fast Food Restaurant Gave Her A...
- You have to love a good ol' fashion restaurant freak...
Woman Goes Crazy Inside Of Costco And Destroys Store
- The police are forced to show up when this crazy lady...
Woman Gets Arrested and Has a Meltdown, Chill Doggo...
- She throws a temper tantrum while being detained by...
Huge Bee Kamikazes into a Glass Mirror
- This bad boy saw something it didn't like in the...
Guy Chants "Trump!" In McDonalds And Gets Thrown Out...
- This white young man decided it would be a good idea...
Two 9 Year-old Girls Cause Havoc at the Shopping Center
- Two nine-year-old girls have gone on a rampage at a...
"Leaked" Endgame Footage, the Battle Between Ant-Man...
- The much anticipated battle and ultimate defeat of...
Russian Fighter Jet Lands and Refuels on the Road
- An Su-25 Russian Air Force plane along with several...
Racer's Goofy Crash Lead to a Brawl
- Jorge Martinez and Marion Calvo started brawling...
Dude Trolls the Police by Breaking Dumb Laws
- England's ancient laws are ridiculous, and this dude...
Kubrat Pulev Kisses His Post-Fight Interviewer on the...
- Well, this is awkward.
Guy Is Forcibly Removed From Vehicle By Police For Not...
- This guy was pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt,...
Two Unpleasant Rude Diners Get Cakes To Their Faces
- When you try to fight your waiters, something bad is...
Grown-Ass Woman Treats Wendy's to a Show
- It's Sunday, lady. Chill.
Alex Jones Blows Up after Being Ridiculed at a...
- A group of people were giving Alex Jones a hard time...
Reporter Accidentally Goes Live Revealing His...
- A communication breakdown on MSNBC revealed a...
A Chaotic Scene as Passengers are Stuck Aboard a...
- A Viking Sky Cruise Ship is as the mercy of the ocean...
Extreme Moms Who Tried But Failed Big Time
- These adventurous moms took a chance and wound up...
This Girl's Ripped Pants Prank is Funny and Kind of...
- A girl with a massive rip in her jeans (right on the...
Woman Stands Up In A Best Buy To Give An Announcement...
- Woman Gives Public Service Announcement On BBW's....
Dude Busts a Guy Trying to Sell HIS Property
- It's shaming time.
Guy Steals ATM And Tries To Use Bus As A Get-Away...
- Guy Steals ATM And Tries To Board City Bus As A Get...
Cop Pulls His Gun on Compliant Teens
- A cop in Grand Rapids, Michigan took a minor crime way...
Gnarly Dissection Finds Whale Stomach Filled With...
- A whale was found Barely alive in the Philippines....
Cat Sneezes All Hell Breaks Loose
- This is sorta gross
Drunk Irish Lady Whips 'Em Out on St. Patrick's Day
- Meanwhile in Cork, Ireland... "I'm putting it on...
Mother Tells Son There's An Intruder In The House And...
- Horrible mother, and honestly not a very nice thing to...
Wedding Guests Rescued from Maid of Honors Terrible...
- The maid of honor really botched this one and it took...
Three Different Sized Jack in the Box Cups all Hold...
- A Jack in the Box employee posted a video of a cup...
Dude Attempts to Run His Wife Over to Test His Tesla
- Brave man. Or does he just want out?
Stuffed Animals Talking To Each Other Descends Into...
- Animals repeating what they hear will haunt you. So...
Ricky Gervais Tells His Most F**ked Up Joke
- From the mind that brought you "The Office" comes this...
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