Female Officer Begs For Her Life When Fugitive Pulls...
- It's a good damn thing backup was on the scene.
Media videos
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Guy Freaks Out During Flight and Threatens Passengers...
- When the plane landed, local law enforcement boarded...
Weak-Stomached Politician Ruins a PSA
- This Australian PSA got brought to a standstill after...
This is What Happens When You're Too Large to Ride a...
- That poor horse.
Kelly Ripa Pervs Out On Keanu Reeves
- Keanu responds very appropriately.
Hampton Brandon Participates in a Hit and Run Live On...
- The streamer has since been banned from Twitch.
Mechanic Chases out Customer at Gunpoint Because He...
- This guy went to pick up items from a local body shop...
Roach Infested Telephone is all the Gross You Need...
- This dude was working on a property in Sydney and...
Huge Tree Branch Flying at Man is Straight out of...
- This video is from a controlled fell of a dead pine...
WTF Video Shows Moose Casually Strolling Through a...
- A female Moose came in through the automatic doors,...
Woman Smashes Bus Window, Hits Man With Car
- Video shows a woman smash a bus window with a tire...
SUV Flies Over the Guardrail in WTF Highway Accident
- This guy was driving when a black SUV darted out in...
Father and Daughter Come Across an Unexpected Stampede
- A father and daughter in Germany came upon a surreal...
Man Caught Licking Doorbells Will Make You Knock
- Police are trying to track down a man who spent three...
Pot Smoking Lawyers Give Legal Advice
- Now, these are not your mama's lawyers. They subscribe...
Thermal Imaging Captures a Woman's Soul Leaving Her...
- A funny clip showing a woman who thinks she's secretly...
Frustrated Dad Drags His Daughter Across The Airport
- Listen up, kid...
Frustrated Dad Drags His Daughter Across The Airport
- Listen up, kid...
Your Hotel Room Might Not Be as Secure as You Think...
- You might want to lock that extra deadbolt next time...
It Looks Like Soulja Boy's Game Console Scam is Coming...
- Nintendo takes legal action against Soulja Boy for his...
View From Inside a Helicopter that Crashed and Killed...
- Intense footage of a helicopter crash in San Paolo....
Kite Surfer Hits a Goddang Shark
- Alex Soto was using his hydrofoil when he came into...
Dutch Partiers Light a Deceptively Large Bomb
- These revelers in The Netherlands lit up a bridge for...
Couple Has TOO Good of a Time at Nationally Televised...
- This New Orleans couple was on another level, if you...
Guy Drove Around Detroit's East Side on New Year's Eve...
- Sounds like some of these folks aren't starting the...
News Anchor Butchers The Name of Officer Killed in Car...
- Reporting on the death of a slain police officer this...
Lol This Reporter Dressed Up Like a Grape Cause a Kid...
- Washington, DC stations have been folllowing recently...
Girl Does Something Wild With Her Feet You Didn't...
- Girl pulls off some sort of voodoo magic as she...
Undercover Cop Attempts to Solicit Drugs On Facebook...
- He saw the post and showed up to sell some flowers but...
The Trailer for 'Us' Looks Absolutely Terrifying
- "I Got 5 on It" will never be the same way again.
Teens Who Threw Rocks on Highway Overpass Could Get...
- Five high school students in Michigan are accused of...
Woman With Nothing Better to Do Freaks Out on...
- 8 am on a Sunday seems to be her special time and no...
Woman Kicks Over Boxes After Being Misgendered at...
- After allegedly being called "sir" and unhinged woman...
Video Shows Driver Fleeing After Smashing into...
- A driver in Mobile, Alabama, crashed into a motorcycle...
Guy Knocking Himself out While Trying to Break into...
- The Zombie Apocalypse has arrived!
Little Girl Has Something Disgusting Pulled from Her...
- This 6-year-old girl in Vietnam had something growing...
Mailman Just Wants to Go Home and Get Laid
- After checking the footage on his ring camera,...
Lady in a Bra Goes HAM on a Car
- A woman in Battle Creek, MI had the whole town...
Parking Lot Meltdown Left Two Injured
- After allegedly stealing alcohol from a Tesco in...
Officer Wedges a Porsche and Nearly Crushes a Dude
- The Porsche Targa 6 owner takes off fast!
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