Kevin Spacey Just Released a Bizarre Video Forcing His...
- The accused actor released a Christmas Eve video...
Media videos
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Student Pilot Makes Emergency Pee Landing on Busy...
- This small Cessna made an emergency landing on a...
Excited Kid Eats it on Her Brand New Hoverboard
- You'll shoot your back out!
First Known Footage of Rare Angler Fish Pair is Gross...
- The video was captured at a depth of 800 meters by...
Cyclist's Road Rage is Met With the Force of a Truck
- A Singaporean biker took on a truck driver and got...
Woman Sounds Eerily Like Siri
- People are flipping on twitter after @Ernie_Dabest...
Artist Painting in Complete Free-Fall is the Dumbest...
- Professional skydiver, Michelle Nirumandrad takes...
Entitled Mom Freaks Out When Her Kid Can't Pet a...
- Most people know that working service dogs should not...
Girl Breaks Her Everything at the Adult Toy Store
- WARNING: Disturbing A lady hurt herself while trying...
UPS Driver Steals From a Package He Just Delivered
- Now that's how you cutout the middle man!
Stone Cold Savagely Roasts a Kid Who Might Actually be...
- Classic Stone Cold, always entertaining but that was a...
Man Taps a Biker With His Car Before Getting His...
- After pulling his motorcycle forward to see both ways...
Nothing Beats a Nice Refreshing Glass of Coconut...
- What really lurks inside containers you can't see into?
Snake Slithers Into Police Station and Attacks Man in...
- Damn, that guy is a badass.
UFO Sighting in Texas Leaves Many Stumped
- A woman in Keller, Texas spotted this strange...
Woman Pays 29 Cents for Full Tank of Gas
- This lady was on her way to the gym when she noticed a...
Driver Captures Horrible Spike Strip Crash That He's In
- Cops attempted to pull Dale Tucker over in Cumberland...
The Best News Bloopers of 2018
- A collection of the best local and national news...
Blond-Haired Lady Takes a Tesla to the Gas Station
- This video is like the setup to a bad joke.
Nonchalant and Neglectful Parent will Tick You Off
- A driver posted dashcam footage of this incident in...
Bills Player's Teammate Doesn't Notice His Stuck Helmet
- Today, something happened that most NFL Analysts had...
Not Even NBA Players Can Rescue this Stuck Basketball
- How the heck did this happen? A perfectly placed ball...
Guy Comes Up With an Evil Plan To Stop Package Thieves
- What a nasty surprise, I Hope you enjoy the smell!...
Terrifying Backdraft Sweeps Over Firefighters
- The abnormally large backdraft occurred as a massive...
Innocently Waking Up A Sleeping Driver Takes a...
- A quick lesson in why you should just let sleeping...
Thrasher Releases Hilarious Parody Video Exposing The...
- Thrasher released this hilarious video which features...
Google CEO Forced to Explain Why Googling Idiot...
- Appearing before the House Judiciary Committee, ...
Woman Saving Child from out of Control Truck Looks...
- This video took place in Vietnam. Just add an...
Kim Cattrall Scatting is the Cringiest Thing You'll...
- What in the world is happening here?
Lego Programmer Mad Scientist Teases His Pet Mouse
- Youtuber Matthias Wandel decided to find out what...
Australian Comedian Perfectly Summarizes The Kevin...
- What firing a comedian for old jokes looks like.
Long Neck Guy And Big Neck Guy Are Trying To Rap
- The fame really went to their head/necks.
Thief Waves a Knife at a Homeowner Before Just Giving...
- A porch pirate in Worcester, MA gave it up quickly.
Insane Woman Covers Herself In Peanut Butter At Bus...
- She's trying to get to where she's going in a jiffy.
Dude Going Through the Aftermath of a Drunk Driving...
- We have the future of crash analysis on our hands.
Drunk Twitch Streamer Goes Driving and Not...
- Don't drink and drive people.
Woman's Horrific Twerking Accident Nearly Costs Her...
- Not only did she survive, she went on to win $25,000...
Hydraulic Cutter Explodes Trying to Cut Through a...
- I hope he was wearing safety goggles.
US Couple Narrowly Avoids Machete Wielding Bandits in...
- Bryant Swenson and his wife Lauren moved to Kenya from...
Spooked Horse Takes Helpless Passengers on a...
- A normal day in a BC, Canada park became exciting fast.
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