Police Use Helicopters to Wreck Penn State Tailgates
- Who's really being reckless here? Police flew low on...
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Star Seahawk Safety Can't Hide the Anger Toward His...
- Safety Earl Thomas begged and begged his team all...
Chimpanzee Tells Twerking Thot To Get Lost
- Girl decides to put on a show for a chimp at the zoo,...
Giant Hornet Queen Is So Big It Looks Fake
- Meet the Asian giant hornet, a large, dangerous insect...
When a Compliment on Your Boat Turns Into a Bizarre...
- Nice boat, mate.
RC Boat Narrowly Escapes an Encounter with an Alligator
- While driving one of my remote controlled boats on the...
Idiot Drunk Driver Gets a Taste of Karma
- A truck was spotted swerving all over the place before...
Funny Misinterpretations from The Late Late Show with...
- Sometimes people forget to think before they speak and...
Dude Has Hilarious Encounter with Bird in His Kitchen
- This guy in Southampton, UK came home from work to...
Amatuer Wrestler's Hilarious Ring Entrance Fail
- Walk it off bro... if you're not paralyzed that is.
Police Chase Ends Poorly When Stolen Vehicle Hits...
- Car thieves running from the cops crash and almost end...
Employees Mock Robber For Only Taking $60
- A man walked into a Little Caesars in Pennsauken...
Cool Experiment Creates "Black Fire" That Even Casts a...
- A neat effected created with fire, a low pressure...
This Amazon Delivery Woman Clearly Has Zero F**ks Left...
- I hope the owner of that package opted for the...
Man Demonstrates Lobster's Horrifying Eating Habits
- Proof that nature is a disturbing mistress.
Road Rager Gets Trolled By Car With a Broken Window
- An angry driver screams at this dude to roll his...
Sex Robot Brothel Opening in Houston, Texas Causes...
- Some people in the Houston community are not happy...
Terrifying Footage of Woman Trapped Inside Her Car...
- A resident of Gatineau, Quebec, said she was lucky to...
Strange Man Attempts to Enter Home Late at Night
- This man, either having a mental episode, or drugs, or...
Parasailers Electrocuted After Crashing into Power...
- Two vacationers were parasailing and were thrown into...
Tiger's Stadium Employee Films Himself Spitting On...
- The spit is an extra $2 charge, you sure you want it?
God Told This Man He Needed To Sleep With His Son's...
- And you thought your family had issues, think again!
Ex Narcotics Officer Explains What Going Undercover is...
- Have you wondered what really underpins international...
Russian Actress Slaps An Audience Member For...
- A Russian actress physically assaulted a female...
Disturbing Surveillance Footage Shows Bounced Man...
- Disturbing CCTV footage shows Mohammed Abdul's Removal...
A Conversation With A Group of Flat Earthers Goes No...
- Three flat-earthers go on live TV and make complete...
Rubber Chicken Makes Waterboarding Hilarious
- I feel sorry for the little guy.
Guy Calls the Cops on a "Drunk" Driver Who was Really...
- "Those nuggets must be good!"
Bus Driver Loses His Sh*t And Has a Breakdown on the...
- Someone get this guy a xanax!
Impatient Truck Driver Plows Through Group of Cyclists...
- This genius drives right through a group of cyclists...
Lady Found on Top of Truck Gets Dumped on Side of the...
- This strange video is from Hanoi, Vietnam. I have no...
Dude Drives Jet Ski Down the Road
- This lady was driving on September 18 when she...
Boxing Match in India Ends in a Double Knockout
- So who won?
600-Lb Woman Loves Shopping For Food
- This clip is taken from the TLC show My 600-Pound Life.
Man Rides Dirt Bike Through Grocery Store and Gets...
- Police in Schenectady, New York, said a man was facing...
Heartbreaking Drone Footage Shows Lone Bottlenose...
- A dolphin named Honey was left to die at the Inubosaki...
Man Sends Child Inside Arcade Game to Steal Prizes at...
- Footage of the incident shows a child passing out...
The World's Fastest RC Jet Is Insanely Fast
- This bad boy clocks in at 466 mph and uses a cable...
Tom Green Trolls Pizza Delivery Guys By Selling Pizza...
- A classic Tom Green prank that will make you laugh...
UFC Student Dies Inside When He Realizes What He's...
- You can tell he regrets the path his life has taken.
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