CBD Oil Vape Pen Spills and Sends 7 City Workers To...
- A police officer spilled some CDB oil while processing...
Media videos
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Whose Line Is It Anyway Stopped From Doing A Hitler...
- So instead they spent the rest of the episode making...
Tara Reid is Clearly F***ed Up in Bizarre Local News...
- Tara appeared to promote the newest Sharknado film on...
Deputies Take Down A Suicidal Man Armed with An AK-47...
- Detective Howard Brickner and Corporal Lynn Bays...
Airplane Lands on Deer Ripping it Apart
- A pilot landing at his friend's private rural airstrip...
Lawyer Rear Ends Vehicle and Begins Guzzling Vodka
- After rear-ending Los Angeles radio host Big Boy, this...
Juggling Knives Goes Very Wrong
- This catastrophe happened at an event at which...
Man Mysteriously Stuck to a Pole
- This video was taken in downtown Newark, New Jersey.
Dude Gets Arrested for Sitting in His Own Dang Parking...
- Jaquon Dean was accosted by security officers while...
Dude Gets Arrested for Sitting in His Own Dang Parking...
- Jaquon Dean was accosted by security officers while...
Dude Flips Out After an Accident That's Not His Fault
- This avoidable accident happened on I-95 in New...
Lady Demonstrates Why You Don't Let Your Friends Drive...
- Hold on to your keys, folks.
An Old Interview Of The Jacksonville Mass Shooter Has...
- Yesterday at a Madden gaming tournament in...
Professional Boxer Demonstrates What Straight Up Fear...
- The full 36 second fight between Efe Ajagba versus...
Bro Gets the Scolding of a Lifetime by His Extremely...
- I don't know what he did, but apparently he's in deep...
Father and Child Miraculously Avoid Being Killed By...
- A terrifying incident that could have ended much much...
Guy Schools a Cop Who's Been Stalking Him From His...
- An abusive police officer who just can't let go, tries...
Biker Confronts Lady Who Nearly Hit Him
- A cyclist riding at 28 mph in a 30 mph limit is...
Police release Horror Video On The Effects Of the New...
- Monkey Dust is from a family of drugs known as...
Bill Burr's Airline Rant Will Make You Feel Sorry for...
- Bill doesn’t want people in uniform or children...
Classmate Hates Brittney with a Fiery Passion
- The tension is palpable.
That One Friend Who's Always Ready With His Knife
- And is just a little too eager to use it...
Girl's Slow Motion Video Hilariously Ruined By a Wasp
- Most of us can relate to those in-car encounters with...
Sideshow On The Bay Bridge Is Out Of Control
- A number of the drivers seen illegally doing donuts...
Watch Sacha Baron Cohen Convince a Food Critic That He...
- He seems remarkably unphased after finding out he just...
'Sheep Play' Event Is Worse Than Your Worst Nightmare
- People have too much time on their hands, WTF!
Dad Pays His Daughter $100 To Knock Off A Guy's MAGA...
- Just a dad and his daughter doing a little Sunday...
Don't Walk, Run! Rips On The Cringefest That Is...
- Let's take a look at Seriously Tv, who have made more...
Man Awarded Million Dollar Settlement After His Wife...
- Keith King was awarded millions in damages after his...
Man Awarded Million Dollar Settlement After His Wife...
- Keith King was awarded millions in damages after his...
DMC (of Run DMC) Aks, What The F**k Happened to Hip...
- Double Down News asked DMC today's Hip Hop, and he...
Homemade Flying Car Attempts Take Off
- This was an attempt to make a Reliant Robin 3 wheeler...
A Homeless Man Describes The Horror That is Skid Row
- "Skid Row hurt me in ways I can't ever explain. It...
Ants Build Mind-Blowing Bridge to Invade Wasp Nest
- These army ants built an impressive bridge in order to...
Absolute Idiot Spanks a Hippo for a Laugh
- Why would you do this? Police have opened a criminal...
Woman Attacks A Group Of Tourists In Brooklyn For...
- Fighting racism by telling tourists to not spend their...
Crane Smashes into Bridge as it Drives Under
- A crane driving under a bridge in Houston, Texas is...
Matt Stonie Crushes A Homemade 12 Pound Burrito
- Competitive eater Matt Stonie eats a child-sized...
Man Has Scary Incident with Imposter Cop
- This guy was about to be pulled over by an unmarked...
Attempted Kidnapping in Broad Daylight
- This guy was driving down the street when he saw a man...
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