Crazy Drugged Out Woman Tries to Steal from a Chinese...
- This woman in Bellara, Australia attempts to steal...
Media videos
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Police Fire Pepperballs at Naked Man in Window
- Witnesses say that the naked man was screaming...
Indonesian Volcano Erupts and 'Lava Bombs the Size of...
- Seasoned weather watcher James Reynolds of Earth Uncut...
Omarosa Is In Hot Water After She Releases A Secret...
- Chief of Staff John Kelly suggests she make a...
Horrible Adults Caught Acting Worse Than Children
- Try to watch this without punching your computer.
Arkansas Police Officer Fired For Telling Group Of...
- This cop realized he messed up and tries to play it...
Disturbing Footage of a Girl Being Pushed Off a 60...
- While swimming with some friends, one girl was pushed...
Teenager Assualted for "Ego Lifting"
- Only 19 years old, Charles Lalonde was deadlifting 350...
Kayaker Didn't Appreciate Being Asked to Help with a...
- No chill on the river this day in Oregon.
Nikolas Cruz's And His Brother Talk After The Parkland...
- Newly released video shows Zachary Cruz telling his...
Dangerous Flash Flood Smashes into Bridge Sending...
- A storm sparked a sudden, fast-moving flow of debris...
Fox News Host Eats A Steak While Interviewing A Vegan
- Is this good trolling or is it cringe? You decide.
Poolside Patti Upset About Man Swimming in the Pool...
- This guy was helping his friend move into an apartment...
Neighbor Threatens Man to Remove his American Flag
- An anonymous note left at this guy's house asks him to...
Permit Patty is on the Loose Asking Kids Where Their...
- She played these kids, not cool.
This Girl is so Wasted that she Can Only Walk Backwards
- "Maybe she's born with it ... Maybe it's Ketamine." .
Asian Girl Positions Her Boyfriend For The Perfect...
- It's obvious who calls all the shots in their...
Knife-Wielding Dog is too Hilarious to be Scary
- While you were busy meeting women, Jayce studied the...
Lady Freaks Out After Car Windshield Smashed
- A truck's tire blew out causing a piece of metal to go...
Judge Has A Suspects Mouth Tapped Shut Because He...
- Shut your god damn mouth before I shut it for you.
Attempted Drone Assassination Of Venezuelan President...
- The explosion heard in the video is a drone which was...
Heartwarming Video of Gorillas Accepting Humans Into...
- The animal kingdom is a very special place.
Idiots Trying To Show Off Their Motorcycle Tricks Fail...
- A few classic clips of dudes being total idiots.
Couple's Bizarre Deepthroat Archery Routine Ends in...
- Needless to say the judges were less than impressed.
Israeli Soldier Does The Drake "In My Feelings"...
- An Israeli army shooting instructor takes the Drake,...
Bizarre Creature Caught Stalking a Moose in Canada
- Youtube Audrée Tanguay Fréchette was filming a moose...
Unknown Assailant Lobs Explosive Firework onto a...
- Happy Hour is OVER!
The Best News Bloopers From July 2018
- A collection of news bloopers and funny moments will...
Absolute Idiot Pounds His Chest and Taunts a Bison In...
- A bison caused a traffic jam on the road to...
Woman Possessed by Zombie Drug, Flakka, Stalks Two...
- This is one of the most disturbing things that I have...
Extreme Selfie Turns Very Bad
- Taking one on a waterfall wasn't the best idea.
Footage From Inside The AeroMexico Plane Crash
- Amazing that so many people made it out alive!
An Entire Factory Walked Off the Job After Two...
- A manufacturing plant shuts down for the day after all...
The Drunkest Dude Doesn't Remember Taking a Gator on a...
- Do we have to say it?
Family Escaping a Fire Tornado is Terrifying
- Justin Sanchez recorded his family’s escape from the...
Deeply Disturbed Female Predator Busted by Creep...
- She was scared of getting caught, but not scared...
Mysterious Formation Appears Under Man's Blanket
- From the uploader: "Being real there’s no animal...
Barber Plays a Cruel But Hilarious Prank on a 10 Year...
- I have to say, that little dude took it like a champ!
Instant Karma for Impatient Driver Attempting to...
- You might not want to try passing when you can't see...
Idiots With Gas and Bonfires Don't Mix
- These guys aren't the smartest.
eBaum's Picks