Douche in a Corvette Gets an Attitude Adjustment by a...
- A diesel truck smokes out a corvette after the driver...
Media videos
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Passengers Had Their Butt Cheeks Clenched As Pilot...
- You know they had to shampoo some seats after that...
Teacher Fed Up With Students Swearing, Stealing, And...
- Teachers these days don't get paid nearly enough for...
Home Invaders Firing Guns at Teenagers is Straight out...
- Cops are still looking for suspects from the...
Maniac Points Her Roman Candle at Innocent Bystanders
- Police are searching for her.
British Tv Host Louis Walsh Can't Keep His Hands To...
- And when she called him out he said he was just...
Neighbors Call Cops on Kids Mowing Their Lawn
- These kids were mowing their grandmother's lawn and...
This Guy's One Night Stand Will Haunt Him Forever
- He did not think this through all the way.
Cop Gets One-upped by Kids so He Has to Pull His Gun...
- That's one way to earn the respect of your community.
San Francisco Tourists Are Afraid To Visit Because Of...
- San Francisco needs to take a long look in the mirror...
5 Secret Leaked Videos NASA Doesn't Want You To See
- Here are 5 videos NASA probably wishes would just go...
Woman With Concealed Carry Permit Saves Her Co-Worker...
- This man thought his order was taking too long, so he...
Pool Patrol Paul Is In Hot Water After Calling The...
- First, there was BBQ Becky, then we had Permit Patty...
South African KFC Trolls Neymar's Ridiculous Fake...
- You know you're full of sh*t when a fast food place...
The Best News Bloopers from June 2018
- A collection of odd, funny and WTF news bloopers from ...
Coyote Hanging From a Power Line is Unexplainable
- a man found this while he was patrolling an oil and...
Yelling Guy Clings to the Back of a Speeding Car
- While driving through the town of Beckley, West...
Massive 14 Foot Alligator Eats a Smaller Gator
- Visitors to Lake Apopka witnessed quite the spectacle...
Joe Rogan Is An Absolute Beast
- Joe Rogan can kick harder than a professional...
Joe Rogan Is An Absolute Beast
- Joe Rogan can kick harder than a professional...
Youtuber Exposes The Absolute Cringfest That Is...
- I’m so glad I grew up before my cringe was recorded...
Thousands of Crabs Covering the Ocean Floor is a...
- This is what nightmares are made of.
Vegan Activist Folds When His Violent Past Is Brought...
- Vegan activist Joey Carbstrong and celebrity chef...
Furious Dad Goes Berserk to Get His Crying Daughter
- this guy has clearly had enough.
Granny Loses It While Playing A Virtual Reality Game...
- Put the knife down granny it's just a game!
Lying Streamer Gets Kicked Out Of The Gym
- After getting caught filming at the gym(which is...
Hoverboard Kickflip Will Leave You Both Impressed and...
- It probably hurt more because he was so close.
Mysterious Number Printed onto Blueberry
- What is it, genetically modified food? It can't be an...
Japanese Scam Artist's Space Rocket Crashes Seconds...
- A rocket developed by a maverick Japanese entrepreneur...
Guy Gets Tasered by Cop as He Follows All Directions
- What's the point in trying?
Dog Overreacts Every Time His Owner Farts
- It's a regular puppy fart alarm clock.
Lady Illegally Parked in a Handicap Spot Does Not...
- You decide who here is in the right.
Archaeologists Discover A Mysterious Rock With An...
- Archaeologists try and make sense of this strange...
Social Experiment Parody: Giving $100 Dollars To The...
- This guy gives a homeless man $100 and follows him to...
Eat a Burrito on this Guy's Watch and You're Gonna Pay
- Permit Patty, meet Dining Daniel.
Russian Government Video Shows Zombies Ripping A Man...
- Has the Russian government been doing real-life tests...
Hockey Soccer Is The Newest Sport Were All Dying To...
- I mean, that actually looks pretty fun.
Scientists Believe Stonehenge Was Built Using Highly...
- One of the most famous archaeological sites in the...
Gender Reveal Parody Is Absolutely Hilarious
- A very extreme way to announce your baby's gender.
Gender Reveal Parody Is Absolutely Hilarious
- A very extreme way to announce your baby's gender.
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