The Tragic Real-Life Story Of Axl Rose
- The crazy and heartbreaking story of the Guns-N-Roses...
Media videos
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Lady's Food Court Freakout is America
- This is America.
Fat Lady Rages At Taco Bell Because She Wants MORE...
- And the dude filming lets her know how hilarious she...
Armed Robbers Blow The Doors Off An Armored Car In...
- These robbers are not messing around, damn,
Mystery Creature Rising Out of the Mud Will Baffle You
- David White, the owner of the Solar Whisper Daintree...
Strange Footage Reignites Sasquatch Speculation
- Could this footage from Vancouver finally show the...
This Headless Rattlesnake is Still Alive and Angry
- This guy was working on his farm when he noticed a...
Wall Street Banker Commutes To Work On A Damn Paddle...
- WTF is this guy doing?
Youtuber Pedro Perez Meets His Fate in Stunt Gone Wrong
- This young man was dying to go viral.
Drunk Man Rides Horse into Convenience Store, Grabs a...
- Giddy up, cowboy.
Suspect Bails From Car Flees Cops on Foot Only To Get...
- Well that genius plan didn't work out too well, did it?
Russian Bread Ain't Like Ours
- I wonder what it's like to eat it.
When Two Vortex Rings Collide - Smarter Every Day
- Awesome slow-motion footage of two vortex rings...
Baseball Game Interrupted by Small Plane's Fiery Crash
- Fans in attendance rush to help those on boards. All...
Frat Bros Take Initiation Ritual A Bit Too Far
- Yo wtf are these dumbass college kids doing, smh.
In 1977, the "Gong Show" Featured Two...
- Somehow they only noticed after the East Coast airing...
Memorial For Slain Rapper XXXTentacion Turns Into An...
- A memorial in LA turned violent as people began...
Pony Fetish Festival Is What Nightmares Are Made Of
- Your daily dose of wtf did I just watch.
Pony Fetish Festival Is What Nightmares Are Made Of
- Your daily dose of wtf did I just watch.
A Boy Ate 150 Gummy Vitamins For Breakfast. This Is...
- And you thought vitamins were good for you.
Mutant Fish Will Lead You Down a Rabbit Hole
- The story made people nervous and fascinated, but is...
Milwaukee Brewers Pitcher Throws Up Twice While on the...
- Warning: This video contains puke.
Tesla Model S Spontaneously Combusts While Parked On...
- Footage posted by West Wing star, Mary McCormack,...
Guy Accidentally Shoots Himself in the Groin While...
- Idiot nearly blows off his junk after negligently...
Ukrainian Boxer Has a Very Unique Entrance
- After doing all that he better have won this fight.
Girl Takes Down Confederate Flag in Philly and...
- She wasn't having that shit.
Chimpanzee Gets High as a Kite Off Dabs
- How do these stoners own an ape?
This Mans Piggy Bank Is Making The Internet Jealous
- How much money do you think he has?
Donkey Mounts Drunk Guy (WARNING: Visible Donkey Dick)
- "That donkey is hung like a horse!"
Neighbors Go So Far to Bring Package Thief to Justice
- This porch pirate did not have a good day.
Girl Recognizes F-list Celebrity Who Hosts Pizza...
- She was even handed a slice of pizza by Jeremy Renner,...
Crackhead Gets the 'Hottest' New Hairstyle
- New crack-induced method of hairstyling.
Ukranian Far-Right Group Destroys A Gypsy Camp In The...
- These guys show up with axes and hammers just to f*ck...
A Quick Yet Important Lesson in Physics
- A short video to help you understand the laws of...
Terrifying Accident Shows the Importance of those...
- You may never notice bollards, but they might save...
Freaky Audience Members Belong in the Uncanny Valley
- WTF is going on here?
Aluminum Artist Turns Monster Energy Can Into Dope Ass...
- I wonder how bored you have to be to take up can...
Two Men Witness a Checmical Plant on Fire Suddenly...
- When a fire takes a turn for the worst. Explosion...
Kid Passes Out After Flexing Too Hard And Falls Off A...
- His friends are laughing but he could have seriously...
Shocking Video Shows a Shoplifter Setting Himself on...
- The Moroccan man returned after being caught stealing...
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