Biker's Helmet Saves His Life in a Way He Never...
- This was almost his last ride and a very gnarly scene.
Media videos
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Footage of Horrifying Tornado is so Beautiful it...
- This tornado struck 8 miles north of Laramie, Wyoming
Guy Squeezing Out a Giant Splinter is the Most...
- Don't watch this one standing up.
Ohio Department of Transportation Wants to Make an...
- The driver so "bad" the DoT wants you to see them.
Doctors Remove Wiggly Blockage From Man's Nose
- How does someone get something like that up their...
Doctors Remove Wiggly Blockage From Man's Nose
- How does someone get something like that up their...
Chinese Dude Spartan Kicks An Old Librarian
- And then ran away like he has explosive diarrhoea.
How Not To Impress Girls At The Beach
- Their silence speaks volumes.
Man Focuses His Will Against One Car in Massive...
- A disturbed man did some intense driving and freaking...
Guy Makes the Mistake of Waking Up an Impaired Driver
- Situation goes from bad to worse after this dude wakes...
Dude Shoots at his Neighbor Multiple Times Over...
- Things have reached a boiling point on the Big Island...
Crazy Lady Kills A Man After Driving Onto The Field...
- No children were hurt but she struck and killed a...
Real Marine Loses His Sh*t When He Spots A Fake...
- Stolen Valor and a donation scam? Not on this guy's...
Idiot FBI Agent Dancing With A Gun In HIs Belt...
- Why in the hell would this guy be dancing with a...
Boat Accident During Rowing Race Nearly Claims a Life
- A close call during a rowing race that almost ended...
Girl's Coyote Ugly Bar Dance Attempt Goes Horribly...
- Hold my appletini!
Bear In Serious Pain After Hitting Itself In The Nuts
- A bear destroys his balls while trying to scratch his...
Livestreamer "Arab Andy" Evacuates College With Text...
- The IRL streamer was later arrested for this "prank"...
Man With One-Inch Penis Opens Up About His Life
- Ant Smith has endured everything from low self esteem...
Intricate Gold Dagger Found At Stonehenge Puzzles...
- The best explanation they could come up with is that...
Infested Gas Station is One to Drive Away From
- This gas station in Louisiana has been completely...
All The Best Wipeouts From England's Annual Cheese...
- Why do the British love cheese so much?
That Moment in Sea of Thieves When Shit Hits The Fan
- Moments like these are what make video games great.
Storm Chaser Films Cows Flying Through A Tornado
- Holy shit that's insane!
Berserk Ferris Wheel Can't be Stopped in Time
- Passengers of a giant wheel in Anantapur suffered a...
When Keeping it Real (Crazy) Goes Wrong
- This MMA fighter talked a lot of trash before becoming...
Guy Makes An Extremely Sharp Knife out of Carbon Fiber
- Check out the sharpest carbon fiber knife in the world.
Butt Eating Dog Immediately Regrets His Decision and...
- When the booty nice but she forgot to wipe.
Little Girl Does Her Best John C. Reilly Impression
- The face swap filter makes it perfect!
Heartless Doctors Dance Around Patient's Unconscious...
- This patient in Atlanta, Georgia probably had no idea...
Cat Hangs on for Dear Life on Top of Van on Freeway
- A cat clings to the roof of a van going over 60mph....
Parents Sue Their 30 Year Old Because He Refuses To...
- You've gotta be a total douche if your parents don't...
Parents Sue Their 30 Year Old Because He Refuses To...
- You've gotta be a total douche if your parents don't...
Parkour Stunt Ends Poorly For This Dude
- A loose piece of pipe leads to a painful surprise.
The Best And Yet Worst Game Of The Price Is Right Ever
- Bob can't believe what he just witnessed.
Deaf Couple Strike Back After an Alleged Assault
- A deaf woman that is pregnant was allegedly assaulted...
Flat Earth Moron Gets Laughed Out Of A Bar By 'Globe...
- Man, do these people know they're being trolled?
Bobby Lee's Girlfriend Exposes Him During A Live Feed
- I think this is the first time I've ever seen Bobby...
How The Media Fuels An Endless Cycle Of Violence
- By making a "celebrity" out of mass murderers for the...
Simple Question: Can You Name One Book?
- These people need to go back to school.
eBaum's Picks