18 TImes The Simpsons Predicted The Future
- Is one of their writers a time traveler or something?
Media videos
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Resurfaced ‘Raw’ Footage Shows Eddie Murphy...
- Imagine that. Bill Cosby trying to control what others...
Streamer Gets In Massive Car Accident While Holding...
- WARNING: Disturbing footage. We're still awaiting...
Baseball Player Fouls A Ball Into The Worst Place
- Leonys Martin really laid it all out on the line...
NFL Quarterback Jared Goff Pranks a College Football...
- The Ventura football team can't believe their ears...
Adventurer Gets His Ear Wax Cleaned The Traditional Way
- WARNING: Kinda f**ked up. In West Papua, the Korowai...
Horrified Guy Discovers He Has a Massive Tapeworm
- He immediately went to the hospital after pulling a...
What To Do If You're Too High On Weed
- You'll be ok little buddy, just hang in there.
Driver Thinks His Stream Chat Is More Important
- Ice Poseidon, infamous stupid-head, almost got in a...
Mustachioed Man Gets Tased After Insulting And...
- This fairly disturbing incident happened on a flight...
Former Actress and "Sex Cult" Recruiter Left Clues On...
- Allison Mack, known for her roles on Smallville and...
Attacking Dog Doesn't Belong On The Subway
- Muzzle that b**ch.
Birthday Candle Sets Off Nightmare Fueled Explosion
- Hydrogen filled party balloons and an open flame...
Sneaky Guide Dog Always Walks His Owner Into His...
- When it is time to go shopping, this dog makes the...
Busty Animal Lover Gets Passionate About Wild Possums,...
- Woman Woman tongues down a random possum in the wild.
Ex-Disney Star Orlando Brown Is Arrested By Bounty...
- Man, these Disney star's don't last long in the wild.
Sassy Spiderman Dazzles Spectators on the Subway
- Just some daily entertainment on the Chilean subway.
Bricklaying Robot Can Build Walls 3X Faster Than Any...
- This machine can lay almost 400 bricks an hour,...
Road Rage Incident Turns into Full Blown Accident
- This looks like a scene from Road Rash 64!
Guy Desperately Tries To Drive Car Away During Repo
- Dude goes ape on tow truck driver for trying to...
Old Man Owns Obnoxious Twitch Streamer During Her Live...
- She was broadcasting from a beach bar and this old man...
NY Driver Can't Handle His Rage
- Why was he so mad? Why did he have a bat? This video...
This Barack Obama Deepfake Video Shows We Are Headed...
- Woah there Mr President, there are kids listening.
Norm McDonald's 1998 Espy's Opening Monologue Was...
- The first and last time anyone ever let Norm McDonald...
Cyclist With a Knife Gets a Taste of Instant Street...
- A suspect running from police is caught after one guy...
Indian Man Bursts into Flames after He Touches an...
- Kind of ironic due to the fact they were protesting...
Girl Gets Pushed Under A Bus Like It's A Funny Gag
- "Harmless" prank almost turns deadly for extremely...
Crazy Finnish Dudes Simulate An Earthquake Using 1 Kg...
- Imagine all the things you could blow up with that...
This Is What Shipping One Nuclear Warhead Looks Like
- I wouldn't recommend getting in their way, they...
Guys Hiking Through The Snow Gets A Surprise From...
- This is something you don't see everyday!
Woman Gets Mad at a Cashier for Being too Friendly
- This Kohl's customer is one of the reasons that I...
Google is Always Listening and This Guy Proves It
- One man proves that our mics are being picked up and...
Out of Control Brush Fire Engulfs Emergency Crew in...
- An emergency crew suddenly finds themselves in the...
Fight Gets Real When Someone Pulls Out a Gun
- Things got heated at the Atlanta Chick-Fil-A.
Motorcyclist Is Lucky To Make It Out Alive
- A biker narrowly avoids serious injury when a sudden...
Missed Exit Mauneuver May Be the Worst All Time
- They could found an alternate route, instead, they...
This Local News Anchor is Actually Pretty Funny
- Funny moments and quotes from Trevor Ault.
Teenagers Push Trashy Mom to Her Breaking Point
- This whole neighborhood has a problem. **Warning:...
This Is What Happens When You Mess With Waffle House...
- A peek into the late-night dining scene of Nashville,...
Jerk Swans Attack Anyone Who Dare Enters Their Park
- These swans are cold blooded.
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