Foul Mouthed Crow Gives This Guy A Piece Of His Mind
- Damn, don't be messing with these crows yall, they...
Media videos
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Deranged Theatergoer Will Make You Want to Throw Your...
- An entire sold-out crowd had their experience ruined...
An In-Depth Conversation With A Real Flat Earther
- Just two dudes talking about the shape of the Earth.
Badass Bushman Has A Standoff With A Charging Elephant
- This dude either has balls of steel or a death wish.
Unforgivably Drunk Driver Launches Her Car
- Footage shows a woman 3 times over the drinking limit....
Russell Crowe Talks About the Items in His Divorce...
- He doesn't pull any punches during this guided tour.
These Entitled Cyclists Think They Own The Road
- Eh, excuse me bro but you're hogging the road!
Thoughtless Driver Ruins Everyone's Day at the...
- This lady made a mess at the West Midland Safari Park....
YouTube's Biggest Douche Throws A Fit After Getting...
- This douche goes by the name Hampton Brandon.
This Easter Day Celebration In Greece Is Beyond Wild
- It's customary to light on fireworks and explosives to...
Asian Andy And His Friend Almost Get Kidnapped In...
- These dudes need to learn what it means to 'fight or...
NASCAR Fans Get Caught Using Bogus Handicapped Placards
- These people got caught trying to use a Handicap...
Golfer's Amazing Hole-In-One Celebration Interrupted...
- The most disturbing and exciting 45 seconds of The...
Proof People Are Biased About Relationship Abuse
- What happens when domestic violence subverts our...
Did CBS Plagiarize an Entire Episode of Television?
- This can't be a coincidence.
The Tom Cruise Scientology Video They Tried To Have...
- Sounds like cult full of politicians, vague promises...
Cashier Goes Nuts When Man Asks For Change for the Air...
- A driver stopped to fill up his tires and set off a...
Dad Loses His Will To Live After His Young Daughter...
- You can see the life flow from his eyes as he just...
Dashcam Footage of Car Service Will Have You Weary...
- One guy luckily filmed his car servicing from Hell.
Man Gets Bit Four Times in a Brave or Stupid Display
- Tim has developed a remarkable immunity to snakes that...
Ecology Professor From Arizona State Thinks Human Will...
- Well, that's a pretty dismal view of the future.
WTF Gym Accident is Hard to Watch
- Haydn Schneider is lucky to be alive after this...
Perfect Jenga Move Defies All Rational Sense
- This just does not seem possible.
Teen Avoids Kidnapper and Chases Him Down
- A teenager in Texas turned the tables on her own...
Chicago Home Invasion Stopped By A Single Brave Man
- Not today boys, not today.
How Artificial Intelligence Will Start WWIII
- Stephen Fry breaks down our horrifying future
The Swedish Ending Of Finding Dory Is Pretty WTF
- Swedish people are sick and twisted, wow.
Yodeling Walmart Kid Becomes The Internet's Newest...
- Sometimes the Internet falls in love with the...
Tesla Autopilot Malfunctions And Almost Kills Its...
- Damn car almost drove these people into a wall.
Deranged Christian Lays the Smackdown on a "Roman...
- Man has a hard time separating the past from the...
Dude Spent 20 Years Asking Celebrities to Say He...
- Some of them are pretty sure it's a real tongue...
Dude Gets Caught Stealing 5 Sandwiches from...
- A smooth criminal gets busted by a store clerk and...
Actress Gets a Genuine Laugh out of Conan O'Brien
- Claudia O'Doherty gets an unscripted laugh out of...
Guy Recorded Himself Sleeping, Then Things Got Weird
- YouTube user pillowtalkTK knew he had a problem with...
Aztec Whistle of Death Makes Sounds Straight Out of...
- Imagine this sounding from the dark woods. It's pure...
Amazon's Method of Keeping Customers is Ingenious as...
- "Dark patterns" are a way developers get you trapped.
'Whistleblower' Drops Some Truth Bombs During a City...
- Either this guy is privy to some serious top secret...
Guy Using The Bathroom Gets a Surprise Visitor
- Poor lil guy just wanted some help washing his hands!
When Your Girl Is Beautiful But Clumsy
- She may be good looking but she's very uncoordinated.
Man Appears to Float in Vertical Jump Test
- Josh Imatorbhebhe took the best standing jump with a...
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