When Your Luxury Hotel Room's Shower is Garbage
- Definitely working as intended.
Media videos
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Opening a Hotel Door With a Pizza Menu Proves You Can...
- It's possible, so be careful.
MMA Fighter Does a Flip Off his Knocked Out Opponent...
- Drew Chatman demonstrates how to lose after winning a...
The Worst Jokes Are Usually The Best Jokes
- A collection of short jokes and one-liners that will...
English Football Fans Throw Beer On Passing Tourists...
- English soccer fans are the scum of the Earth,...
Fake U.S. Marshal Gets Arrested by Real Cops in Florida
- A man with a fake badge and a gun who was posing as a...
Crazy Dude Randomly Pops Out His Eyes During an...
- During an interview this man decided to show-off his...
Previously Unreleased Footage of Vegas Gunman Before...
- New video shows the horrible calm before the storm of...
New Slovakia PM Drops A Bag Of Cocaine During A Press...
- This dude has a passion for public service but really...
The Tragic Story of Discovery's "Sons of Guns" TV Show
- A show about a gun store in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and...
Impatient Driver Moves Crane, Almost Kills Worker Back...
- This guy couldn't wait for a crane to do his job, so...
Interview With Hypocritical Facebook Founder back in...
- This video will haunt Zuckerberg til the end of his...
Gun Safety Check Ends Painfully For This Guy
- Hey man, you got your gun on safety? Guess not.
Trashy Family Absolutely Destroyed This Rental House
- These people made it their life's mission to ruin this...
Guy Waxes His Girlfriend Eyebrows Prank
- I think the tears prove she wasn't too happy about...
Chinese Weather Lady Gives the Appearance She's...
- We've got an everlasting meteorologist on our hands,...
Two Container Ships Collide At A Port In Asia
- And you thought you had a rough day at work, imagine...
Lady Thought She Could Handle the Ride, Freaks the...
- Irish national soccer player @MeganConnolly4 Decided...
'Smart Guy' Gets The First Question Wrong On Who Wants...
- All that school and this guy still knows nothing.
When a Cheating Prank Goes Terribly Wrong
- His friend pays the price for a prank that backfired.
Worker Safety Demonstration Backfires Horribly
- In Russia, nothing is safe.
Costco Thieves Get Caught In The Act
- Police patiently wait outside to nab two brazen Costco...
African Man Has 16 Pound Tumor Removed From Face After...
- Sambany receives treatment after 30 years of living...
Ski Lift Accident in Gudauri Georgia Sends Riders...
- A malfunction of a chair lift wreaked havoc at a ski...
Shocked Skiers Watch as Malfunctioning Ski Lift Sends...
- There were no reports of serious injury, but holy crap!
Dweeby Chick-Fil-A Employee Tried to Take on Five Bros
- They weren't allowed to park there, but he had zero...
Joe Rogan Has His Mind Blown About Intelligent...
- Paul Stamets talking about intelligent cellular life...
Out Of Control Moped Crashes Into Bystanders
- A woman on a moped crashes while her young daughter...
Don't F**k With a Waking Elephant
- You'll see why those folks got out of there so fast.
Tommy Wiseau's Horrible Joker Audition Edited Into The...
- Damn this dude can't act for shit.
AR Demo Will Have Your Inner Child Going Wild
- Soon we'll all be fighting each other in the street,...
This Dude's Side Chick Just Ruined His Whole Life
- Oh boy, you're in deep shit now.
The Moment Bobby Lee Realized His Girlfriend was only...
- If we were poor what would you throw at my tears?
Kids are Now "Air Balancing" Like That's a Smart Thing...
- Well, that's one way to get rid of an old iPhone.
Hillary Clinton Slips Twice While Walking Down Stairs
- The once hopeful Presidential candidate struggles with...
Some Of The Realest Moments From Beyond Scared Straight
- These are some of the craziest scenes the show has...
Toronto Firefighter Goes Missing In New York And Is...
- Some of these stories will chill you to the bone.
Secretary Of Education Betsy Devos Is Dumb As A Rock
- We know you guys don't like politics but this shit is...
"Disabled" Woman's Weak Scam Crumbles Down Around Her
- She claimed she was mute, and then she started...
Tommy Wiseau’s Joker Audition Tape Is Terrifying
- This guy is a horrible actor but damn, he'd make a...
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