Grandpa Couldn't Wait To Get Home To take His Blow Up...
- Horny old man caught humping a blow up doll in the...
Media videos
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Strange Video Surfaces of a Shirtless Tom Brady...
- A video Tom Brady getting a massage and sharing a...
Drugged Out Eagles Fan Realizes the Super Bowl Hasn't...
- Drugged Out Eagles Fan Realizes the Super Bowl Hasn't...
Magician Rips A Woman's Head Off And People Lose Their...
- Magician and Prankster Andy Gross enjoys freaking...
You Can Now Rock Out to Creepy Comments Left By Dudes
- Rude dudes were this guy's muse.
What The Hell Is Happening In The Background On This...
- "So you wanna go home and give that a try?"
Dashcam Captures Two Horrific Motorcycle Accidents at...
- Warning: Viewer discretion advised. I'm not sure if...
Amazing Timelapse Of One Man Building Himself A Log...
- Just a man, the woods, and his handmade cabin.
Oblivious Girl Comes INCHES From Sudden Death
- She starts to cross the road without looking and is...
Cops Will Pull You Over For Literally Anything These...
- We've been through this before, you can't just pull me...
Insane Man Sings Smash Mouth's "All Star" Every Day...
- He's not a rock star, and he's not getting paid, but...
High School Kid Rekts His Classroom Before Being...
- After throwing chairs and smashing computers young...
Church Youth Group Chant "Virginity Is Cool, Come On,...
- These people feel no shame, for they don't even know...
Entitled Chick Forces Passengers To Suffer Through Her...
- Nothing like a little mid-flight yoga on a long flight.
Entitled Chick Forces Passengers To Suffer Through Her...
- Nothing like a little mid-flight yoga on a long flight.
Girl Rollerblades Herself Full Speed Into a Garage Door
- I'm not sure what the DESIRED outcome was, but I'm...
Steve-o Gets Choked Out by Chuck Liddell
- His reaction is hilarious!
This Mom Found A Terrifying Message In Her Child's...
- What kind of an app is this? WTF!
Man Decides to Bite a Phone Battery and it Explodes
- Not sure what he was checking exactly, but he got a...
These Folks Had The Bright Idea to Memorialize a Dead...
- After the local Taco Bell burned down, these locals...
American Reflexxx Is A Performance Documentary Like...
- This short performance shows us all we need to know...
This Self Destructing USB Drive Is Straight Out Of...
- For when you need to share very secretive stuff with...
Someone Had A Seizure In VRChat While Their Full Body...
- *Warning: Disturbing* This is a real-life consequence...
Amazing Moment When a Man Trapped in a Sunken Ship for...
- The look on this man faces is absolutely heartbreaking...
6 of the Scariest Things Said By Artificial...
- Humans continue to push the boundaries of artificial...
Hunter Gets Shot While Out Turkey Hunting
- Another hunter fires upon a group of guys patiently...
Breaking Open A Titanium Padlock With Gallium
- This titanium padlock is broken apart using chemistry.
7 of the Most Dangerous Pistols Ever Created
- Broken hands and hearing loss, fire these guns at your...
This Kid Might be the Best Soccer Player Ever and He...
- Most of us would probably freak out if we achieved...
This Extremely Excited Rescue Dog Cannot Wait To Go...
- Zero f**ks given by this doggo.
Group of Fishermen Get Run Over By Out Of Control...
- A harrowing boat crash at the mouth of the Columbia...
"Oh My God!" is Why You Don't Mess Around With...
- This dense lady launched a firework into a crowd of...
This Self Defense Instructor is so Fast If You Blink...
- Pick a fight with this dude and it will be over before...
Don't Peep The Costume This Man Wears For Money If You...
- A man wears a costume and asks for money in Japan....
This Japanese Gameshow Is Too Bizarre
- Not sure what's going on here, but I like it.
Children Hiding In Storm Drains During The False...
- Can you imagine being in their position? Holy hell.
Phillip Mudd's Wild CNN N-Bomb Rant
- Phillip Mudd threw caution to the wind, and went all...
Construction Workers Flee For Their Lives After Crane...
- While attempting to load a massive metal girder, the...
Gunned Down And Left For Dead: Ross Capicchioni's...
- This kids story about his brush with death will make...
Is There Anything More Powerful Than The Hydrogen Bomb?
- A bit of science to entertain your brain!
eBaum's Picks