Chris Farley Passed Away 20 Years Ago Today, Here's...
- From SNL to the silver screen, this man was a legend.
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Woman Gets Caught Trying To Steal From Best Buy Using...
- It doesn't go according to plan and she decides to...
This Is Why You Don't Microwave A Hard Boiled Egg
- Started as a simple science experiment, ended with a...
Babish Makes Ned Flanders' Famous Hot Cocoa
- Your favorite super Christian, howdy-ho neighbor has...
How Can Anyone Fail So Hard, Two Times, In The Span...
- This driver is having a really, really, bad day.
How an Idiot Steals a Package
- This guy's criminal career will be short lived.
That Slap Shook Dana White's Soul
- The time Mike Tyson punked UFC's Dana White over a...
Not The Way You Want To Start The Work Week...
- This is not how you want to start your week on the...
How Arizona Cops "Legally" Shoot People
- Basically the deadliest game of Simon Says, and you...
College Campus Employees Destroy A Giant Snow Penis
- They gave it a good old fashioned dick beating.
Facepalm Moment When Driver Loses Control Of New Truck
- This guy in Vietnam had a little to much before...
The Synthol Kid Was Forced To Have His Fake Muscles...
- He pumped his arms full of synthol (a synthetic muscle...
What Would Happen If You Drained The Ocean Through A...
- If you put a hole in the middle of the Mariana Trench,...
Idiot On Jet Ski Tries To Touch A Cargo Ship And Is...
- A dumb stunt almost got this genius sucked under the...
Girl Is Hellishly Flexible
- There's just something so wrong and unsettling about...
Tornado Turns Warehouse To Rubble In A Matter Of...
- A tornado struck Spartanburg SC on October 23rd 2017...
Idiot Driver Gets Instant Karma When Trying To Pull A...
- If you can't wait, you're going to have a bad time.
Drunk Guy On A Polaris ATV Has Some Fun With The Cops
- He knew he was going to jail, why not lead the coppers...
Yoga Babe Takes A Nasty Spill In The Woods
- I guess you could say she's all washed up!
Woman Taking Out Her Trash Is Attacked By A Police Dog
- Desiree Collins was taking out the trash when a...
Neighbors From Hell Make Home Renovation A Pain In The...
- Some people are just miserable. This odd family did...
Freak Accident Almost Decapitates A Girl Walking Down...
- Good thing that box was there to break her neck.
EA Gets Trolled During A Gaming Award Show
- Damn, that was just nasty!
Guy Savagely Teaches His Girlfriend Get Off Her Phone
- How to deal with those people who can't seem to put...
Disgusting Hooters Kitchen Filmed By Customer Sitting...
- You have to be careful where you eat, folks.
Wendy Williams Gives Her Audience Member The Worst...
- Nothing like building your relationship with a...
600-Year-Old Super Rare Sword Found In Texas
- In this video, Dixon reveals how a ‘twin’ sword in...
Pedophile Caught Trying To Meet A 14 Year Old Girl...
- And this year's Oscar for best actor goes to, Pedo...
Free Runner With Huge Balls Attempts An INSANE Jump
- This kid has lost his damn mind!
Chanel West Coast Gets Mic Turned Off And Rage Quits
- This chick is losing it.
Dashcam Captures Insane Semi Wipeout On Bridge
- The semi can be seen slowly flipping and crashing in...
High School Football Player Obliterates Ref Who...
- This ref couldn't get out of the way of a hail-mary...
Levitation Trick By Cheerleader Has The Internet...
- What type of black magic is this!?
Live Camera Feed Captures A Hawk Stealing Two Young...
- Robins built a nest on some 2x4's stacked against the...
The Handpan Is One Of The Most Satisfying Instruments...
- This guy could play this thing for hours and we...
Comedian Shane Torres Wants To Know Why People Hate...
- If you think about, he only wanted to take you to...
Watching How Rolled Turf Is Harvested Is SUPER...
- It's the simple things in life that are the most...
Elton John Talks About A Wedding Gift He Received From...
- Eminem surprised Elton John with something he never...
FaZe Banks Makes A Fool Of Himself In Gamestop
- Long before FaZe Banks was, the head of the world's...
YouTube Mega Douche And Pro Gamer FazeBanks Is A Huge...
- These egomaniac YouTubers are going to learn that you...
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