22 People So Confidently Incorrect When Correcting...
- These people are wrong, but nobody can convince them...
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24 Sketchy Ladders That Are Accidents Waiting to Happen
- They may not win an OSHA award, but they just might...
33 Unsafe Situations Where Safety Was an Afterthought
- "Safety? Haven't heard of it."
The 17 Dumbest Ways People Have Died
- The Darwin Awards are all too real.
19 Things Most People Don't Know Can Seriously Mess...
- Better watch out for these things dangerous things.
25 Rules and Universal Truths Real Men Live By
- The important things you have to do to be a real man
20 Survival Myths That Will Get You Killed
- 22 tips and tricks that go against the status quo
20 People Share Their Wildest and Weirdest Party...
- Whether you went to high school, college, or just...
18 FAA Memes For When Your Plane is Grounded Due to...
- Laugh in their faces at your phone which actually...
22 Basic Facts a Scary Amount of People Don't Know
- People really need to learn these things.
19 Ex-Cons Share Habits They Still Have From Prison
- Ex-Cons share the prison habits they couldn't shake.
20 More Chaotic Nightclub Photos Proving We’re Too...
- I didn't choose the 'home on a Saturday night' life,...
20 Positive Facts That Are Also Disturbing
- Who knew that there could be this many optimistic...
Dude Gets Fired from Job That Isn’t His
- Something seems a bit fishy here, but we'll let you be...
25 Worst Mistakes Ever Made by a Coworker
- Everyone has had a dumb coworker or two. But did those...
30 Fake Tough Guys Embarrassing Themselves
- God forbid they ever have to prove it in real life.
21 People Who Thought They Were Tougher than the Sun
- The sun is the final boss who remains undefeated.
32 Pics of the Two Kinds of People
- Not everybody can be the same.
24 Shocking “Last Thoughts” From People Who Nearly...
- What people thought during their near death experiences
34 Rednecks Winning at Rednecking
- Just some rednecks doing what they do best
15 Pet Peeves That Pushed Us over the Edge
- We all have small pet peeves, but sometimes our...
21 Times Smash Mouth Would Say ‘They Ain’t the...
- Unfortunately no matter how hard you try, you can't...
30 Absurd News Stories Proving Maybe Thanos Had a Good...
- Some bizarre headlines from the human race. Aliens...
25 Regrettable Places Men Have Stuck Their Manhood
- Growing up is different for every boy. But there is...
25 Examples of Stupid People Being Incredibly Dumb
- Back again I see. Well, we've got some more great...
25 Dumb Ways People Almost Terminated Themselves
- Everybody wants to die in their sleep. Or maybe just...
25 Things That Are Deadlier Than People Think
- When life is busy, it is easy to overlook stuff that...
15 People Who Are Being Way Too Extra for Internet...
- Can we just go back to the '90s before social media...
I Don’t Wanna Work, I Just Wanna Fail at My Job All...
- Most of us aren't robots, we're human. However...
19 Hysterical Job Fails to Make You Laugh
- If you thought you were bad at your job, think again.
18 Dumb Pics Packed to the Brim with Stupidity
- Want to lose IQ points? Well, then these...
24 Stupid Injuries People Wish They Had Avoided
- These are so funny it hurts.
22 Pictures That Are So Dumb They're Smart
- Bless these people for sharing their stupidity.
24 Funny Safety Fails That Hurt to Look At
- Something really bad is about to happen.
25 People with the Worst Luck
- When life sucks, it sucks ya good.
America's Leading Infectious Disease Expert Goes For a...
- Only in America, do scientists need security details...
18 Requests Fulfilled Correctly but Annoyingly
- Maybe they're overthinking things.
29 Real Geniuses Showing off Their Stupidity
- People who are just that dumb.
24 Pics Packed to the Brim With Dumb
- Stuff to make you facepalm.
20 of the Weirdest Images From the Legendary...
- A Groverhaus is always a Groverhome.
eBaum's Picks