Main Character Syndrome: 24 Entitled People Who Thing...
- Some people go through life thinking that they're the...
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20 Service Industry War Stories From Workers In the...
- These waiters just had to vent online.
The Top 10 Public Freakouts of 2023
- 2023 was a year of public outbursts and freakouts, but...
Unhinged Karen Forces Panera Worker to Write Down Her...
- When the Panera employee u/akiraeijisun was forced to...
Prepare to Be Annoyed: Woman Treats Co-Worker Like Her...
- If you're going to pretend to be a higher ranking...
Dude Owns Corporate Karen By Doing Exactly What She...
- Sometimes revenge is a dish best served obediently.
Hell Hath No Fury Like a Red Lobster Karen Waiting on...
- " I saw you help that girl, I know you're the manager"...
Can I Speak to the Manager? Karen Goes Unhinged on Her...
- Karen's gonna Karen.
16 Instances of Entitled Karens Who Are a Manager's...
- When Karen's go nuclear, all you can do is grin and...
Hotel Guest Karen Demands Refund for Parking They...
- This hotel has a first come first serve policy due to...
Karen Gets Instant Karma after Prematurely Calling Tow...
- Karen gets hit with a heavy dose of well-deserved...
Karen Crashes Her Mercedes and Expects Other Driver To...
- A typical day in the life of a Karen.
Karen Doesn't Understand Math, Asks To Pay Higher...
- Be careful what you ask for, you might get it.
Karen Demands Neighbor Pay Vet Bills After Her Dog Ate...
- So let's get this story straight here. Your dog came...
KFC Karen Demands to Speak to Manager, Finds Out...
- Congratulations! You played yourself.
Karen Boss Doesn't Accept Resignation, Takes Day Off...
- How stupid can people be?
HOA Karen Illegally Fines Homeowner, Gets Schooled in...
- It seems that some HOA members think they are the...
Incompetent Boss Sabatoges Himself By Demanding...
- This employee enacts the simplest revenge by just...
Postal Worker Sends Entitled Karen to Prison
- "Do not mess with the mail. You will go to prison for...
Power-Tripping Manager Tells Hard of Hearing Worker...
- In case anyone was confused, hearing aids are not the...
25 Entitled Karens That Think They're the Main...
- Karen videos are a bit like new Taco Bell menu items:...
25 Entitled Karens That Think They're the Main...
- Karen videos are a bit like new Taco Bell menu items:...
Karen Complains Restaurant Won't Serve Her After...
- Karen tries her best to throw a tantrum but the...
20 Wild Karens that have Already Asked to Speak to the...
- Be careful out there in the world, flocks of angry...
35 Entitled Karens Spotted in Their Natural Habitat
- The wild world we live in has no shortage of people...
Karen Throws Out Expensive Birthday Cake, Employees...
- A little malicious compliance teaches Karen a lesson.
21 First-World Problems That Deserve the Tiniest Violin
- Must be nice.
Karen Makes Crazy Demands in a Tattoo Shop
- This Karen walked in and started making all sorts of...
Elon Musk Gets Nicknamed 'Space Karen' By Epigeneticist
- Elon Musk is like if a really smart dude was also...
Karen Goes Quiet After Tech Support Proves Her...
- Turns out, her precious son was seriously messing...
SJW Karen Cries 'Appropriation' at White Guy Making...
- No. Just, no. Take several seats and shut up, Karen.
Rude Karen Gets Trolled by Returns Clerk, Has to Drive...
- A quick and satisfying tale of Karen getting trolled.
Car in Front of Road-Raging Karen Deliberately Lets...
- Everyone hates being stuck in traffic, but I'll never...
Woman Who Left Fake Negative Review Gets Owned by...
- Take several seats, Jo. You're about to get wrecked.
Impatient Karen Honks for Parking Spot, Current...
- Sometimes, the best revenge requires doing absolutely...
Guy Uses Technicalities in HOA Rules to Defeat HOA...
- He used the rules to defeat the rules.
Karen Demands Mac 'n' Cheese From Wendy's Menu Photo,...
- She came to a Wendy’s drive-through, demanded mac...
Choosing Beggar Karen Wants to Pay For Art With...
- Your prayers don't pay my bills, Karen!
Weaponized Donut Teaches Karen to Stop Complaining...
- Careful what you wish for!
49 Funny Memes to Activate Your Laughter Functions
- A fine collection of funny memes for you to chill...
eBaum's Picks