25 Dudes Posting Their Wholesome Wins
- Sometimes we need to celebrate the dudes doing it...
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Twitter Highlights: All of Our Favorite Tweets of the...
- Before Twitter takes another plunge into the abyss by...
Boss Tells Employee to 'Only Do Your Job Title', He...
- After going above and beyond at his job as a warehouse...
29 Funny Memes Stolen From the Meme Factory
- If you're bored or just feel like slacking off for a...
26 Times Bros Helped Out A Fellow Bro
- "Bro, thanks for helping me out bro." "No problem bro."
57 Chinese Spy Balloon Memes We Recovered from the...
- After a 7 day trip across the US, the Chinese spy...
17 Fools Who Tried to Troll Celebs and Got Publicly...
- Leaving a funny comment or savage reply is something...
Employee Quits for Better Job After Boss Threatened...
- Here's a rare satisfying story about a horrible boss...
Right to the Garbage Compactor: 40 Times The Universe...
- Moments when life seems like it is unfair or people...
25 Thor Facts Disney Doesn’t Want You to Know
- The latest Thor movie has been out for a bit now. And...
27 Proofs That There are Basically Two Types of People...
- We're a complicated species. There's good people and...
Guy Teaches Ungrateful Weekend Warrior a Lesson in...
- Remember folks: say thanks.
Bullying Entitled Debt Collectors Is Our Favorite...
- Revenge is a dish best served 'called.'
29 People Who Were Called "Idiots" But Were Actually...
- They were right all along.
19 Pics and Posts That Aged like a Fine Wine
- These posts couldn't have aged any better if they...
18 Times When Dudes Posted Their Wins Online
- Get ready for another fresh batch of wholesome dude...
5 Times People Broke the Rules By Following Them
- Some beautiful stories of malicious compliance
15 Masterminds Who Exacted Petty Revenge
- How they got back at people who wronged them.
26 Comments That Really Nailed It
- These are like no other.
23 of the Manliest Things People Have Ever Done
- What does manliness mean?
30 Righteous Times When Justice Was Served
- It's hard to keep faith when everything around you...
25 Best Insults You Will Ever Hear
- Whether in meatspace or online, you encounter plenty...
24 Insane Before/Afters of Recovered Addicts
- Recovery is an incredibly hard battle that many brave...
18 People So Badass History Will Never Forget Them
- People history can't forget.
10 Times Marketing Tricks Made a Huge Difference
- Marketing tricks that worked, and some that didn't.
14 Legit Survival Techniques That Could Save Your Life
- Useful even if your life isn't an action movie.
18 Everyday Heroes Making the World a Better Place
- Life isn't all bad.
Salesman Makes Good on Promise to Have Manager's Job...
- This is how to successfully put a bad manager in check.
20 Cute Animals That May Have Derped One Too Many Derps
- Who's a good boy? No, seriously. I need to know!
21 Super Wholesome Pics Beaming With Joy
- Send this to a home who needs to smile.
19 People Being Everyday Heroes
- Heartwarming stuff.
25 Clever People Responsible for Mild Disturbances
- The fine art of pranking is alive and well.
Think Outside The Box: 18 Clever People With Creative...
- Simple life hacks that change everything.
Think Outside The Box: 18 Clever People With Creative...
- Simple life hacks that change everything.
26 People Who Mistook Stealing for 'Being Cheap'
- Waste not want not, my dude.
25 Funny Trump Impeachment Jokes to Crack a Smile
- He puts the 'eat shit' in 'impeachment.'
Punchable Man Sets New Twitch Record with 2.5 Million...
- 'Fortnite' is a scourge on humanity.
41 Instances of Life Sucking the Big One
- Shout out to these people living their best life.
20 People Who Proved That Hard Work Pays Off
- Good for them.
10 Undeniable Ways Sony Beat Microsoft in the Console...
- The console wars are over, and Sony has won.
eBaum's Picks