Baseball Game Interrupted by Small Plane's Fiery Crash
- Fans in attendance rush to help those on boards. All...
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Milwaukee Brewers Pitcher Throws Up Twice While on the...
- Warning: This video contains puke.
Crazy Lady Kills A Man After Driving Onto The Field...
- No children were hurt but she struck and killed a...
Baseball Player Fouls A Ball Into The Worst Place
- Leonys Martin really laid it all out on the line...
Bald Eagle Lands on James Paxton During the National...
- Come in mission control, the eagle has landed.
The Cleveland Indians Are Changing Their Logo And...
- Starting in 2019, Chief Wahoo will no longer be the...
Umpire Hit By Pitch Punches Catcher In The Face
- Star Wars: The Umpire Strikes Back
This 56 Year Old Security Guard Can Hit A 250 MPH...
- Stanley Anderson has an open challenge to any ball...
Woman Shares A Heartwarming Story Of What Happened To...
- Sometimes it takes one person to make a lot of...
These Guys Thought They Would Call The Shots At The...
- These dudes thought they would call the plays as THEY...
This Is The Best Baseball Announcing Will Get This Year
- A play by play of an almost tragic incident.
Powerful 13-Year-Old Little Leaguer Was Invited To Hit...
- 13 year old hits home run at SunTrust Park
Opposing Coaches And Players Console Little League...
- What a great show of sportsmanship by team Venezuela.
Granny Flashes The Goods And The Crowd Responds
- I'm pretty sure this is SFW, but I guess your boss...
Chinese Baseball Announcer Trying To Speak English Has...
- I think this guy's working through some stuff.
Footage From Today's Shooting At A Congressional...
- Today at a baseball field in Alexandria, Virginia, ...
Fearless Kid Gets Epic Brain Freeze After Iceee Chug...
- This fan quickly and painfully learned that chugging...
Bryce Harper Charges The Mound After Being Hit By A...
- Benches clear after the batter charges the mound, and...
Stephen Piscotty Gets Hit 3 Times But Is Unbelievably...
- He wasn't having a great night!
Fan Gets Hit In the Nuts By A Home Run Ball
- While enjoying a game, one unlucky fan suffers through...
Little League Coach Delivers The Greatest Pregame...
- This baseball coach teaches these youngsters a very...
Dominican Baseball Has Cheerleaders, And It's Epic!
- Holy shit. Looks like I'm a fan of Dominican Baseball...
Japanese Baseball Player Shohei Otani Crushes One...
- A 22 year old named Shohei Otani has been dubbed the...
Watch Angel Pagan Body Slam Fan Running Onto The Field
- During tonight's game against the Los Angeles Dodgers,...
Teammate Pays Tribute To Jose Fernandez Passing, Hits...
- Watching Dee Gordon rounding the bases in tears is...
That Moment When You Think Dad Forgot Your Birthday
- Little man getting trolled by dad turns into...
Player Charges Opposing Team's Dugout, Things Don't Go...
- The replay starts at 4:30.
Buster Posey Throws A Perfect Toss Back To A...
- It's like living in a video game!
Juan Uribe Is Living Every Man's Worst Nightmare
- Talk about a bad hop!
A's Fan Dives For A Foul Ball and Come Up With...
- You can't complain with that outcome.
Pirates Pitcher Carted Off Field After Being Hit in...
- It's almost like he heard the announcer say "Don't hit...
Little League Mascot Take His Job Too Seriously
- Nothing like a little drama to pump up the crowd!
Instant Karma For Bottle Breaking Punk
- Now clean up that mess too!
Man Finds Incredibly Rare Ty Cobb Baseball Cards in...
- There were only 15 known to exist before.
Minor League Baseball Player Cracks Up At Dumb Jokes
- A minor league player with a major league laugh!
30 of The Best Fan-Made Signs Ever
- These fans are committed to more than just the game.
26 Things That Look Cool Cut In Half
- Giving you an inside view of miscellaneous everyday...
Samurai Slices a 100 Mph Fastball in Half
- This is Isao Machii and his reflexes are extraordinary.
Man Reacts Perfectly to The Wave
- This guy gets it.
Red Sox Fan Pukes On People Below Him
- A drunk fan at a ball game gives the people below him...
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