The Easiest Foul Ball Catch Ever
- What are the odds of this happening?
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College Player Takes A Slider To The Crotch
- I'm not sure how he is still standing after that!
24 Unfortunate Names In Sports
- Hilariously bad names give by less than intelligent...
16 Sports Records Nobody Wants
- These people are the best of the worst, or the worst...
Post Game Shenanigans
- The Cincinnati Bearcats make post game interviews fun!
iPad Gets Nailed By Foul Ball
- This iPad doubles as a foul ball deflecting device.
Baseball Players Collide During Catch
- At least he held onto the ball for the out!
Tony Gwynn Jr Responds To Heckler
- Outfielder takes a cue from Ace Ventura when...
Fan Catches Foul Ball In Beer
- Probably the most exciting part of this game...
Drunk Giants Fan Rocks Out
- You think you party hard? Think again.
German Shepherd Tries To Catch Baseball
- Millie jumps for catch and almost destroys the big...
Drunk Blue Jays Fan Vomits
- He's just looking for his friend Ralph...
New Ballpark Food Offerings For 2013
- Nice gallery of food here.
Pitcher Tackles Runner at Home Plate
- Pitcher attempts to stop a runner from scoring.
Pitcher Tackles Runner at Home Plate
- Pitcher attempts to stop a runner from scoring.
Awesome Catch By College Center Fielder
- Center Fielder Brett Williams makes an impressive...
eBaum's Favorite Sports .Gifs of 2012
- The good, the bad and the WTF!
2012 Sports / Live TV Cursing Compilation
- It was a dirty year for sports! (NSFW Audio)
Hilarious Little League Umpire
- Harry Highpants takes his job seriously! Created by...
Bird Poops on Anchor During Live World Series Coverage
- It must have been an angry Cardinal...
Kyle Mooney Goes To A Baseball Game
- If SNL doesn't work out, Kyle may have a future in...
Fan Makes Blowjob Gestures
- During the Cubs and Pirates game before he got ejected.
Guy Wants Dash Cam Footage
- Driver of the blue car commits an infraction, notices...
Burning Baseball Bat NUTSHOT Gone Wrong
- Thomas of Shook Foil hits Nathan Mowery in the nuts...
Great Moments in Baseball Video Game History
- Baseball is almost the greatest American pastime,...
Catcher Stryker Trahan Lays Out Baserunner
Man Finds Baseball Card Gold
- Karl Kissner found a soot-covered cardboard box in his...
Crazy Ending To A Baseball Game
Unluckiest Couple at Baseball Game
- Balls to mouth.
Meanwhile In Japan...
- During a ballgame...this happened.
Springtime Baseball Cheap Shot
- Keep your eye on the runner at second base at 0:20.
Kid Hits Home Run During Intentional Walk
- Wonder why they were trying to intentionally walk him
Paper Airplane
- Proof that playing with paper airplanes is more...
Homage To The Field Crasher
- All of this for 5 seconds of fame and felony charges
Drunk Baseball Smack Fail
- Good job dude, you saved the beer.
Chinese Road Rage With a Baseball Bat
- It gets even better.
Minor League Player Slides Face First to Homeplate
- Announcer said his shoulder, but it looks like a...
Insane Triple Play
- He meant to do that.
Little League World Series Pitcher Hit In The Face
- You know that hurt!
1st Baseman Gets Hit In Face
- Check out the guy in the background - smack!
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